Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

I f.FflAL ROTirrs TeKflftt WOTffBl Han woTirra T.FOAL ROTintR lEIIATj YOTWH 16 Stockton (Cilif.) Rscord Saturday, Juris 5, 1948 I.K4IAI. KOTWKS f.EC.At KOTICF6 1 othy dlty Park Tar race Lut JTlpck 11 4 8.08 8048 Miller, Dave A Barak City Park Terrace Lot 13 Block 13. 8079 Buckle, Alfred L. A Lua J. Cugurao Subdivision 100 ft of Lot Block 3 Exe.

Sly 4310 ft ML ,17.64 Arthur A Audrey Faya Kim Trart. Lot 1. Block 4 $1830 8104 Storktoa Fond Products a Corp. Fair Oaka North All of Blk. 40, Exe por on aid to Clly tor St.

MOBlmrakiok Food' Corp. Fair Oaks Norlli All at Block 41, oxe pur on state to dty for St. 8199-Rtockton Food' Producta Ca Corp Fair Oaks North All of Chait- I Ga T. Wut of (Vnier St. l2t li Block S3 4755 Ingram, Gordon B.

A Lana E. Wut of Canter SL Lot Mb Btark 4R53 Marvin 'j. A tabei Wut of Center SL Vk ol laiu 9 A 11. Block KB $10150 4067 ArnelL Rulh Wut of Center St 6 41 ft ol Lot 1 A 21 ft Of 29 ft of Lot 3 A 30 ft 7 ft nt 41 ft of Lot 5 Blork 103 8307 4874 Luly. Emmie West of Crnler St.

lari 17L Block 103 ....8633 4898 Kilhurn, Gregg Y. A Lurlta K. Wut of Center St. 8 Vk of Lou 1 A 5 Block 1118 Personal Properly ........8117.09 491.7 Parker. T.

T. A Edna Wut of Center SL-Lot 15 Block 106 .171.25 491.7 Freilei. Adellno Wut at Cen tra SL-N of Lou 2 A A Block MS 862.69 4919 Thoman. Elmer W. A Franeu Vv ut of Crater SL Lot 5 Btark MS $137.41 4956 Demery.

Charlie B. South of Uurmon Channel Lot 15 Block 4.. i 8.21 4960 Perk In. Ua Sou Ik of Mormon ChinneiLot A Block 4.... $27.99 4961 Rraaa, Sadie South of Mormon Channel Lot A Blork 4 UMI9 4969 fireworker, J.

of Mormon Chennai Lot A Block 0. .1576 4977 Pruley. Benjamin Roulk of Mormon Chnanol Lot 5 Block 7.. 87116 4988 Lindrtrnm, Eungene Roulk of Mormon Channel Lot 5 Block 49SfiMfiiiota! GaieLaSouihof Moa-moa Ctannnel Va of Lot 15 Blork 821.9b 5015 MrCoy, Ike A Margaret Sou Ik of Mormon Channel Lot A 12. Blork 15 847.74 5042 Graham, Dr, 5 A Mildred J.

South of Mormon Channel Com 304.5 ft of SW ror of Blork 24 South of Mormon Channel th .103 ft 35 ft Ik 10) ft th to beg. 17.46 5048 Graham. Dr. R. E.

A Mildred J. South at Mormon Channel Cam 204.5 ft nf SW eor of Blork 31 South of Mormon Channel th 103 ft 100 ft th 103 ft th to bra 575W 0054 Brooke. George C. South at Mormon Channel Lot 15 Block 30 5055Otanez. juun, etal South at Mormon Channel Lot 15 Block 30 Perennal Property 859.7.1 SOW Yancey, Dave H.

A Annie M. South of Mormon Channel Lnt A Block 30 $1502 SONS Chrtilobal. Mary E. South of Mormon Channel 33 Vk ft of Lnt 5 Block 33 $21.49 5098-Huerte, Logit A Mercedes South of Monnon Channel Lot A Block 35 16.78 5109 Hok holt, Carl South of Mo mon Channel Lot 2. Block 38.

I60.M 5115 Garlaoo. Valent A Burruzs. Do rle South of Mormon Channel lnt 5 Block 38 827.01 5117 Brown, Robert I. A Lillian G. South of Mormon Channel W.

4204 ft of Lnt A Blork 30 85342 5130 Kuba Ira ba. Joe M. A Mary P. South of Mormon Chnanel 35'f. ft of Lot A Btack 38 814.0B 513 RobMu.

M. A S. South of Mormon Channel Lot 15 Block JR 821.98 S133 Do Albar. Alvlre South of Mormon Channel Vi of Lot 10 A 12. Block 38 Personal Property.

5135 Souza, Manuel South of Mormon Channel Lot A Blork 40 9A78 5143 Mrjorado, Lldln South of Mormon Channel LoU 8 A LL Bl-irfc a 811.59 515.7 Rlevena, Erneat A laabrlln South of Mormon Channel Lat A Blork 42 IB. 79 5154 Rlevena, Ernest A laa bells South of Mormon Channel tort A Block 42 Peranhal Prooerty ...870.91 5168 Pufh. John M. A Goldie Soulh of Mormon Channel Lot Btark 44 825.44 51 69-Puh, John M. A Goldie Soulh of Mormon Channel Lot 5 Blocs 44 8i St 5374 Florlla, Manuel S.

A South of Mormon Channel Lot A Btark 51 852.33 5279 PauUr, Gcralda A Paul 5 Soulh of Monnon Channel 45.48 ft of 90 ft of Lot 1. Block 52 837.15 5268 Cent. Ivan A AdeloSouth of Mormon Channel 33V ft of 34.18 ft nf 90 ft of Lnt 10. Black 52 819.71 5303 CHo, George Soulh af Mop- mon Channel Part of Lou 1 A A Blork 53 Com at SW eor of Lot 1 th 103-ft th 34.59 ft th 42 ft th I0H ft Ih 11 ft Ik I 38.09 ft to beg Personal Property $17.02 Bllllo Y. A Woo A South of Mormon Channel Vk nf Lnt 10 A 15 Btack 53.

IfoOl 5341 Jacques, Jna T. A Bealrte Soulh of Mormon Channel Pnr of Lota 7 A 9, Black 55 -Beg at pt 4 In of NE cor of Lnt 7 th 0V 80.50 ft th 78 04' 10.87 ft th (O' 17.50 ft th 45 37 8 ft th 12 00 22.50 ft to In of Lnt 8 Ul 78 04' 2A33 ft to $55.86 $751 Peake, Edna South of Mormon Channel Lot A Block 55 Perennal Property IIA49 5300 Doney. Dorothy G. South of Mormon Channel Lot Ul Black 5 885M 5360Doreey. Dorothy' G.

South of Monnon Channel Vk A 10 ft of Block 8' 55 -Ptreonal Property .8130 5373 Herbert. Goorge L. A Cora- South of Mormon Channel 10 ft of .73 ft af 67 ft of Lnt 10 A 33 ft of 87 ft Of Lot 15 Btark 88 818.16 5374 Rupert A. A. A Edllh 8.

South of Mormon Channel 10 ft of 34 ft of Lot 10 A 34 ft Of Lot 15 Blork 54 135 $8 5.794 Loiano. Tony A Connie South of Mormon Channel Vv nf Lou 1 A 5 Btark SB 88.7 5795 Garde, Angel A Dolores South of Momma Channel Lot A Btark 58 Peraonal Property 99.50 5423 Perea, ixabelle Mlrtr3olh of Mormon Channel Lot A Block 5144 Johro GarL South of Mormon Channel Lot 11. Blork 62 $74.57 $447 Johns, Carl Soulh of Mormon Channel Lot 15 Blork 62 519 5500 Drzaelinl, Andrea South of Mormon Channal Lot A Block 8 119.51 5501 Degaetanl. Anrtrea A Maria- South of Mormon Channel Lot 10. Blork 85 7.49 5503 Degaetanl, Andrea South of Mormon Channel Lot 15 Block 85 $7807 5516 Dr Kerens.

De moat hene Soulh of Mormon Channel Lot A Btark 88 Peraonal Property 49.15 5527 Parfclnann, A. Leroy Route of Mormon Channel Lot IA Block 87 .86.85 5531 Parkinson. A. Leroy Soulh of Mormon Channel Vk of LoU 2 A A Block 87 8648 5543 Yen Thomas etal South of Mormon Channel ft of Lot 13 A an of Lat IA Blork 8 11511 5580 Huerta. J.

UI South of Mormon Chianti lot IA Block 89. eOataeevoaaeaeBOOaeap 34tSi 5575-DeYoung. Darla Route ot Mormon Channel 50 ft of Lot 11. Block 70 ...31815 5560 Fuller, Edward E. A Karen N.

South of Mormon Channel 142's ft of Lot 15 Blork 70 90.89 5593 Cortrt. tinbrtelk A Pjrtro-Routh of Mormon Channel ft of Lota A IL Blork 71 $7253 5621 Wk. Benjamin South of Mormon Channel 30 ft of Bl ft of Lot lAWWftofNOOftof Lot A Block 73 46.73 5639 MrKliule. Joe Route of Mormon Channel Vk of LoU 0 A 11, Blork 73 110.4.7 56.77 Whetxlne, Beselo Ja-SouM of Mormon Channai 40 ft si Lot A Blork 73 828.09 5687 Hlnkelman. Fred H.

A Nava Soulh of Mormon Channel Lnt 8. Blork 77 SIA78 5703 Lara. Ramon A Angela C. South of Mormon Channal Lot 10. Blork 78 $2.1 5703 Lara.

Ramon A Angela IL Smith of Mormon Channel of Lot IA Btark 78 5719 Wunderlich, F. J. A C. n4 Monnon Channel Lot 10. Blork 79 15718 5759 Schmidt.

Edna South of Mormon Channel 10 ft of 29(4 ft of Lnt 9 A 26 4 rt of Lot IL Block S3 Peraonal Property 86.30 5T760 Sckmldt. Edna South of Mormon Channel 10 ft of 18 ft of 28.5 ft of 57 ft of Lot A 18 ft of 3A5 ft of 57 ft of Lnt U. Blork 83 65.56 5794 Callage, Robert C. South at Monnon Channal Lot IA Block 2 $11.83 5R28 Rerf. Robert E.

A Alma nf Mormon Channel J7'4 ft af 1-nt A Blork 85 3.13 5R62 Dk-kenwm. Della South of Mormon Channel Lot A Btack 8 ft if 0L5 ft ft 74 to beg 1.47 6533 Molllor, Walter J. Por of See 33 Weber Grant Be at a pt In line of Wllaon Way bear 13. W-E 40 ft from Intere of lino of Wil son Way with ern lino of Jefferaon Rt. th 8 13' 00' I tig 8 lino of Wilson Way 103 ft to pt In era II na of Mormon Channel th 82 OUT 344 ft te 12 00', 103 ft th S3 00' 3M ft to pt Of b.i5 iHKantri Craft" Honira corp.

-Pnr of Sec 34 A Weber Grant Beg at SK era Lot 174 nf Raven Obk Unit No. 1 th 8 17 21' 1443.03 ft 8 TH 34' 30 ZU1.8K ft to CL Sharp Cine th 15 38; 30 1153.43 ft 78 35 370.37 ft 74 SF 30.02 ft IP 21' 160.14 ft JiXf 1704 03 ft 78 25 38 80.31 It 72 38' 130 ft to beg Cool 71.047 85H6 Rublno Louis A CaVherine-Tract No. 43 Subd. of 8. J.

Co-. Alpine Manor Lot 10. Blork 4 $67.81 6620 Casta. Dominic 1. A.

Carolyn Tract No. 42 Subd. of S. J. At pine Manor Lot IS, Block t-Pw aonal Properly 8883 Yslllari.

Jobs L. A Muriel B. Map of Avondale Lot 7, Blorii 6684 L. A Emma Map of Avnndalo 8, Block 1 Exe St. In OR 3U9498 84 04 8735 Newton.

Lillian Map of Avondale Lnt 10, Blork 8 HN 747 Rue. Cart A Bertha Mep of Avondale Lot 10. Block 7 6748 Rues, Frank A Emella Map of Avondale Lnt ll8lork 7 6750 Mlluslavlch. Charles A. A Lota Map rt Avondal -Lot 8, Blork 8 67.71 8797 Brooks.

Georaa D. A Alice A. Map of Avondale Lot 11, Blork 10 $13.02 8851 Henry, Lanelte E. A Helen N. (Teghorn Map at Avondale Lot 4, Blork 14 ,84.33 8854 Hoffman.

Charles C. A Leona Map of Avondale Lot 7, Blork 14 ee (oaeeaaeeeaaeeeeeeeaa aS6.eS 8855 Carr. Paul S. A KlberU 8. Map of Avondale Lot 8, Block 14.

8662 Van Camp. Alva R. A Annie Map of Avondale Lot 15, Block 14 8374 6R89 Batlf. Victor A. A Natalia A.

Map of Avondale Lut 7. Block 15 66 IB 8871 Carder, Mata A jiaMtejiaa rt Avondale Lot 8. Bluck 15 818.34 6RHB Line. Ivan L. A Emma II.

Map nf Avondale luit 2. Block 17 Exe 10 ft A Exe W. '15 ft .811347 6H87 Unea, Ivan A Emma H. Map of Avondale Lnt 3 Block 17 Exe 10 ft Exe 25 ft 1319 02.7 Hubble, Wllmn Blaine Add. to Rkorkton Lot 13 Block Lot 16.

Block 8 $1375 8999 Petersen. Coia A Henry C. Jr. Boura Tm-I a ot Lot 19 A bn at Lot 13 Blork 36347 7113 RolofL Mary Gladys Browns Add. to tha City of Rtorkton Lut 35, Block 2: Lnt .73 Btark 3 330.30 7114 Hoexer, Herbert A.

A Wini fred C. Browne Add. to lha City of Stockton Lnt 1. Btark 3 ....,70.40 TI24 Carder, Mala A Jamas Brown Add. to tlM City of Stock tun Lot 13 Blork 3 8371 7134 Carder.

Mate A Jameo Browns Addl. to tho City of Stockton Lot 18 Blork 3 375 7169 Venn, darenra K. A Maude L. Browns Add. to tha City of Stock- ton Lot 18 Block $37 7160 Venn.

Clarence JE. A Maude Browns Add. to Hi City rt Stork-ton Lot IT. Btack 8 Peraonal Properly 7174 McCollum. Owen C.

A Eula Mao Browns Add. to th City of Stock-ton Lot 8, Block Lot 10, Block 7 $11.10 7330 Warner. Jo Kyle A Franrea Jean Denning Browns Add. to lha City of Slock too Lot 18 Block 0.. a $370 7220 Warner.

Joe Kyle A Franrea Jean Penning Browns Add. to the CHy of Rtockfnn Lot 13 Block 5.73 72.19 Sprfngz ten, C. W. Browne Add. to the City of Stockton Lot 0.

Block 10 $37 7239 Springsteen. C. W. Browns Add. to fill Clly of Stockton Lot 18 Blork 10 $375 7215 Wells, William A.

A Allre-Browns Add. to th City of Storktoa 54 ft of Lots 1 A 3 Block 11; A In Cnxorno Subdivision 54 ft of Lot 8 Btark 3 85360 7775 Williams, joaeph L. A Mary B. Bungalow Park Lot 17. Blorit 1 518.82 7298 Capurro, Rosa- Bungalow Park -Lot 3 Btack I 3386 7315 Fox.

Ceorge A Mario Bungalow Park-Lot 13 Block 8 811.34 7124 Panizo, John Burkett Villas Lot 3440.55 acre $5.15 74.73 Purdy, Theresa Aim Tract No. 29 Subd. of S. J. Caldwell Village Lot 4.

Block 3 Kse 5 ft 21.38 7465 Reed, James A Gretchm I- Tract Not 29 Subd. of 8. J. Caldwell Village-Lot 8 Btark 8. 71.55 7494 Canton.

Laurence A. A Irena Tract No. 29 Subd. of B. J.

Co. Caldwell Village Lot IX Block 9 $71.06 7494 Urhty. Donald J. A Rare A. Tract No.

41 Subd. of B. j. Caldwell Village Unit Nol 2 Lot 11. Block 7 7-324 Baxter.

Howard L. A Irene G. Tract No. 49 Subd. of J.

Caldwell VUIage Unit Now 4-Lot 13 Block 7 Peraonal Property 1552 7535 Miller. Frank A ltah Tract No. Subd. rt J. Caldwell Village Unit Now 4 Lot Block 8 $92.15 TSviPilre." Tranyaon R.

A Frenere 5. Tran 49 Bubd. of 8. J. Caldwell village Unit No.

4-Lot 4 AW 1 ft of Lot Block 8 7379 7564 Moore. William a Jr. A Marjorie Tran No. 60 Subd. rt 8.

J. Caldwell VUlaga Unit Now fr-Lot 3 Blork 12 1325 736A Groaa, C. H. A A Trart No. 80 Subd! of 8.

J. Caldwell Village Halt Now 5-Lot 13. Block. 13 7S85 Dnminir L. A Carioi Tract No.

61 Subd. of 8. J. Caldwell Village Unit Na 8-Lot 18 Btark 1202 7500 Coala. Dominie A Carolyn Tract No.

41 Subd. of J. Caldwell viUagk Unit Na 4 Lot 13 Btark 7599 A ire," KeilyTran 81 Subd ofJ. Co. Caldwill VIMay No.

23, Blork 13 A 2 ft of Lot 24 In Blk 15 Exe 4 ft of Lot 23. 99 96 1849 Sroi Wirt 8." r. A Carol -Caldwell Village Unit No. 7 Lnt 3 Blork 19 Exe 10 ft; Lot 8 Block 19 Kae 40 ft 1344 7819 Tcatow Joaeph A Evelyn City Park Terrace 55 ft of lid 6. Blork 2 $12687 7KI7 Appereon, Paiwy J.

City Park Terrace 6 55 ft of 110 ft of lad 8 Blork 2 $35.79 7K23 Brnaoti. Arthur Clly Park Ter- mre-Lot 13 Btark 2 837.65 7831 Wearer. Lawrence N. A Rome A. City Park Terrace Lot 5w Blnrk 3 7849 kelllher.

'ilraaie il'-ci'ty Park Trrrare Lot Block 4 Exc S. 2 ft of 18 ft of ad Lot 117.73 1867 Stem. Ernest A'Rlhyl Park Terraco Lat 30, Block 4.. 7885 Rice. C.

L. A Hexrl Park Terrace Lot 8 Block 5. 18.00 7881 DAmico, Maria Ufa Estate City Park Terrace Lot 7. Block 5 18377 7927 Murphy. Eugene J.

City Park rerrara-Lnt Block 18 54 7935 Abel. Lewis A Bertha City Park Terrace Por of Lot 38 Blork 8 Beg at NEly rer of ad IM 24 te alg lot lino 18 05 30 24.11 ft lb 21 IS' 45 158.89 ft to 8 line of ad Lnt 34 th Ely alg ad 8 line 51.44 ft to BKIy ror of ad Cot 24 th 1 35 15 14381 ft to keg. 881.80 7955 Fisher, Clarence City Park Terraco Lot 30, Block 7 73.23 7063 Srvgrra. Otto C- A Amy-City Park Terraco Lot 13 Blork 0 8388 7071 Hlgglna. John A Goonla B.

Oly Park Terrace 8 0 ft of 73 Lot 23 Block 8 Ptreonal Pro9 ft of 772 Morin. Bfo rty 8131.72 roiFv. Si Blnrk 8 11318 7972 Merlo. E. A Angelina Cite Park Terraco Lot 21.

Black 79T7 Simmons. Emms City Park Terraco Lot 28 Blork 8 8011 Sutherland. Myron W. A Elizabeth A. Clly Park Terrace Lot i 2.

Block 10 $44.05 8619 Nolan. Lawrence T. A Agnes City Park Terrace Lot 18 10 Ikin Hrinlngmv Cheriro" 18 A now ot by Clly Park Terrace Lot 8 Block 11 $41.70 9022 Halnlnier, Char lea R. A Defo 5868 lfong. Tom A Ylng Lan Rouih ot Mormon Channel Lot 15, Blork 88 5HM llnetael, Ceo.

E. South1 of Murmnn Channel Vk at Lot 14 A oil of Lnt A Blork 89 SIAM 5891 Pence. Winnta Soulh of Mormon Channel Lot 10, Block 99 Perennal Property 56.79 5916 Giovanni. Anthony F. San- South of Mormon Channel Vk of 91.

$7A34 Lot 14 A ell of lot IS. Blork 5919 Vane. Tony A Marie South of Murmon Channel-Lot IA Black 01 Peraonal Property 876.50 8859 Ellaan, Antonin M. South of Mormon Channel Lot Block 94 Peraonal Property 8086 Shirley, Louie W. South of Mormon Channel Lot A Block 05 87.00 8018 Fnnlanllla.

Elizabeth Soulh of Mormon Channel Lot A Block 07. $14i9p OOn Cadelalr. Martha Smith of Mormon Channel-K Vs of Lot IA Btark MM Exe 40 ft 14.09 Sill Garris. Margaret Route at Mormon Channel Lot A Btack S1 17 liertiian A Adelis South at Mormon Channel 25 ft of let A Block 108 Personal Property. $28.23 BUT Parella.

John South nf Moo win ChxnneT Lot 4. Block in .313.96 6129 Parella. John V. A Helm P. Soulh rt Mormon Channel Lot A Block Jflt 4.53 S14I Bruce.

W. at Moo man Channel A Blork 6143 Brure, W. E. Route rt Moo man Channel let A Blork 82.46 SI 43 Brure. W.

E. SovAh of Moo-mon Channel Lot 7. Blork 144 Brure, E. South rt Mormon Channel lot A Blork 1U8 82.48 145 Bruce, W. E.

South nf Mormon Channel led 11, Blork 108. .82.65 8148 Brure. W. E. Soulh of Mormon Channel lot 15.

Blork 108. 2.78 8149 Brure, W. K. South of Mormon Channel I-nt 16, Black 108 $2.78 8153 Brure, W. E.

South of Mormon Channel lot A Block MB .86 41 6154 Brure. W. -K. South rt Mar-non Channel Lot 10. Block UB 6155 Brure.

W. K. South of Mormon Channel Lnt 12. Block ION 89.48 6204 non. Marvin A Myrtle-Soul of Mormon Channel Lot A Blork 112 23.21 6227 Biagl.

Loulaa. atal South of Mormon Channel Vi of Lots 8 A 11. Block 114 IIA83 6259 Fidel. Coiirhy Aren South rt Monnon Channel Lot A Block 118 Exe OH ft 6253 Luly, Emmie South of Mormon Channel 20 ft of Lot 5 A 30 ft nf Lot 7, Btark 118 $2.1.95 8253 Luly. Emmie South nf Mormon Channel 30 ft of Lot 7 A 10 ft of Lnt A Btark 116 $711.73 $354 ficbinkal.

Ctarmre Edward-South of Mormon Channal F- Ml ft of Lot A Btack 35 ft. $A9S 379 Mangelna, George, otal-Suath at Mormua Channel Lot A Block 117 930.00 AW Cenrtioll. Bantu ra Route rt Mormon Channel Lot IJb Block 110 8319 Madrid. Adrie Smith of Mormon Channel Lot 7, Block 130 8349 Mark, Urn A Chin Sbea-Kouth ot Mormon Channel 38 ft of Lot 7. Block 133 $37.90 169 La Fond.

Katherine South nf Mormon Channel SeW of Lola 9 A 11. Block 133 19.71 9409 Tha BarnebeyGhenry Engineering Co. a corp. Por of See. Weber Grant Com on line of Weeh ft.W of Inxlon street extended 77 Intern of sd St with lino of Stock-ton St extended th 779 ft to Mormon Channal doura stream to pt 477 ft of lino at SiorkUHi fit tl ft to line rt Washington Rt th 400 ft.Jo.

beg to rom al 10 ft of line or Waehlnxtun extended A 477 ft from W. line of Storklun St extendod on line of BL P. Co. RW th 067 ft to Mormon Channel down stream to pt 577 ft dirt from line of Sfnckton Rt extended th 5 830 ft to tine of RRd th li ft to beg eve all that por lying Sly at Nly rt S. P.

Co. RW Coatg IJO actee. 693 9110 The Banwhey-Tfianey Engineering Co. corp. Por ol He i Weber Grant Com at pt on (in extended of Washington SL 77 ft from Inters of line extended rt Washington St.

with line extended nf Storktoa St. th to pt on Nly RW line dlP. RR Co. for beg th to pt on Sly bk of Mormon Channel th SEly alg Sly bk rt Mur- fKoaaol 9a a aa AoreAmelAel Uf mon Channel lb of on extended line of Stork too St, th alg ad lino of Storktoa St. to pt on Nly RW line rt A P.

RR Co. th SWIy alg Nly RW lino of B. P. RR Co. to beg 8A48 S485 PaullOb Wllmnt L.

A Rulk E. Por rt Weber Grant Beg at pt In Western line of Sharp Lane 150 ft rt line rt Charter Way th 65 ft 100 ft 85 ft E.100 ft to brg Conlf 0.149 here Personal Property 81031MB 64.77 Title Inauranee A Guaranty -Co. Com at Inter nf 8 lino rt See 23 Weber Grant with Ely RW lint of W. P. RR Ck sd Inter bearing 73 27' 152.8 ft from SW tor of sd See 23 th 390.2 ft th 17 04 20 023 ft th 72 27 350.2 ft th 8 17 04' 90 823 ft to beg-Cnntg 3.00 acres 9455 ChurriilU'a Frnaen mods Ine.

Por See 33 Weber Grant-Beg at on Fair Oak Are hear 86 OF ft from Inters of line of Fair Oaka Are A line of Wilson Way th 09' OP 80 ft th 11 150 ft th OS' or 0 ft th 11 33 150 ft to pt of keg 9463 Syrtea Charity Aidrty of Rtorkton, California a eorp See 32 Weber Grant Beg at pt where lino of Market St at Fait Oaks Tract would ho Inter by lino of loeuel St of Villa Add If continued Nly A run th alg line or sd Market Rt 50 ft th at RA 115 ft th 50 ft th 115 ft to pt of $3,72 8478 Charchlll'i Frtreen Fonda Inc Pnr of Sec 32 Weber Grant-Corn at pt on lino rt A P. RRd RW bear 12 2645 ft from Inters of lino of Wilton- Way with line rt Main St th 78 OT 375.63 ft for Pt of be th 78 05 225.20 ft th 11 32' 475 53 ft Jlnc or Main St. th 68 06' 184 ft th 11 32 ISO ft th 86 08 217.01 ft th 11 SF 281.85 ft tn beg Conlg 1.974 rare. $260.89 9482 Bern Ido. Joe Por of Sec 32 Weber Grant Com at pt 00 409 ft from NW cor of Co.

Survey No 3094 14 50' 368 ft 83 J4 M) ft 14 25 2.72.4 ft to Unden Rd 75 5A5 ft S. 00 29.3 ft to beg 997' Tonne, Ijiwrenoo A Helen F. Por of Rec 32 Weber Grant Com at pit on lint Undrn Rd at NW -I rA Beim $1 WRU of Co. Bur Niv IM th 00 478.3 ft 75 tV 1.30 ft fi 10 5T 110.10 ft for beg th 31' 158 ft 3T 145.40 ft 83 M' 56.30 ft 93 01' 7.50 ft 10 57' 173.90 ft to beg 522.19 6506-Col umbra. Angelo Por Rex 32 Weber (rant Brg at pt In line of Unden Rd 75T 35 178 ft from NE cor of Merryveta th nig line of Updra Rd 75 3F 115 ft th Sly alg line of Central Calif.

Traction Col RW 257.5 ft th 75 TV 211.1 ft th Nly 97 ft th Ely 88 ft th Nly 160 ft to pt of beg Conic 0897 arm 810.84 8507 Cotambro. Angelo Par See 32 Weber Grant Beg In Une of Merry vale bear 8 17 25 257 ft from NE cor of ed Merryvale th 17 25 50 ft th 75 35' .702.7 ft th 14 IF 50.1 ft ID 75 301.1 ft to pt of beg CooJg 0318 6SM Columhro, Angelo Pnr of See 32 Weber Grant Com at NE cor of Merryvate th 75 35 alg line Undrn Rd (0 ft III 17 257 ft th 75 35 00 ft th 17 25 nig line of Merryveta 257 ft to brg-Exe 100 ft of 40 ft Contg 0.478 acre 8220.11 A509 Celumbnx Angelo A Mary Ann Beltrans Por rt See 32 Weber Grant Com at an Iron giMa llne of the Unden Rd bear V'TS 35' 50 It from NE ror of Merryvate th alg 8 lino of Unden Rd 75 35 40 ft ,17 OS' 100 ft 75 35 40 ft th 17 35- 100 ft to pt oMbej MB -cxp Ml 1 ilauerbirii! MiryPnr' See Weber Grant Beg it pt In 8 lino Unden Rd 75 35 90 ft from NR cor rt Merryvate th alg line of Unden Rd 75 Ah' 88 ft th Sly 180 ft th 8 TV 35 ft te Nly 100 ft to pt rt beg Coatg 0.323 rare 'eeeroe 'feroUl Ml 4 Briones, Elmo A Katie Mar-tinea All lying of the line of Miner Are In See 32 Weber Grant-Corn NE cor Survey No. 36M th 8 IT 72 840 ft for beg 8 17 zr 155.5 ft 5b OB 122.5 ft 3l59 (Tote, Lola Meat of Center kt NV4 of Lota 10 and 12, Block Perennal Proparty $82.33 3481 Aiken. IrtedaWeat of Center RL-Iatt it. Block 920.95 3487 Williamson, James Arthur West of Center SL Lot A Btok 3489 Gareia, AliewWast of Center SI Lot A Blork I i 826 86 551 3 Ramirez, Jam A Rase Writ of Crater SL NVh of Lot XV29 lintlera Wut at 5 Block 3530 Bridge.

Hattie Mj Wsst Center SL Lot 5 Block Ear. W. 3A5 ft 17S 3519 Bridges, Hattie M. West of Center Rt. I-nt T.

Block 'P Ear. a 3S rr In OR 842240 1 80 3538 Mradrs, M. Wart of Center St I.OI 7. Block ...8775 349-De La Torre, Juan A Inna K. Wut at Center SL Lot A Block ee 4 aS50Rodrtgiiez, EaVe'faiiwWtal of Center RL S'i of Lota 10 A 13.

Btark 3554jiibbralL' iiuW'k. Wut of (enter St. Lot 7. Block 'R vlf31.BB 3837 Mills. Lark A.

Wut at Crater St. Lot A Block 83A34 3671 Mills, Lork A. West of Crater Stc-lAt IA Blork 862.55 3877 Mabw. Ella, etel-tyut of Canter SL Air. of.

Lot 4 Tllcx 9. Bej et NW ror Lot th 70 ft th ft th 25.50 ft Ul 550 ft th 44 50 ft Th 36 45 ft to pt of beg 71.73 3708 African ktathodlst Eptseopal Church Wut of Orator SL Lot IA Blork 11 .844.09 3713-Green, John A Myrtle Writ ol Center SL A 4 ft of Lot A Block 8748 3733-Jackmn. Willie Mae Wert of Center SL 30 ft ot 30 ft ol Lot 4. A 30 ft of Lot A Block 13.... $22.00 3738 Jefferaon, Henry J.

A Annie Wert of Center SL Lot Btark 13 ...10.38 3740 Tipton. Sallle West of Center St Lot 5 Block 13 3741 Tipton, Sallle Wait of Centra St.Lot 71 Blork 13 179.20 3747 G1 rah. Stanley Wert of Grater St fc of Lot IA Blork 13. .3214.30 3783 Romero. Joe A Carmew Wut to Center SL 45 ft of Lot Block 15 34.94 3183 Jaremlllo, Trinidad West of Center St.

21.10 ft of Lot A A 12.0 ft of Lot A Block 3789 Peoples. Larkin. etalWeat of Center St. 396 ft of Lot A Blork 15 Personal Property 84533 3777 Acosta. Magdalene Meat of Center Rt Lot IA Btack 15 3779 Roberson.

F. I A M. West of Center SL Lot A Block .152.22 3784 Friedman. Irwin Wart of Center Rt. of Lot 15.

Block 18 35514 3783 Friedman. Irwin-Weat pt Ctn-ter Rt. EH of Lot IA Block IS 847.21 3793 Bertnlat, Carl Wait of Centra St lot A Block 23 79.00 3795 Bertnlaa. Carl A Clara Alma Weil of Canter St.Lot 7. Btark 23 Pemonal Prone rty 8239.50 43 Groom.

Myles E. A Mable West of Centra St.Lot A Block 30 Peraonal Property 9121.24 3676 Day. Richard E. A Dorothy Wart of (tan ter SL Lot Mb Btark 30 929.58 .7867 Scant lebury. Mable M.

4 lnt. Love, Edith C. Vb InV-Wut of renter St. EH of Lot 1 Block 31 .,17.7.07 3871 Mann. Walter C.

A Pearl B. West of Center St. EVa of Lot 14 A all of Iat A Btack 31 .76 3688 Joae, Adella F. Wut of Center SL-Lot A Block 32 3568 3805 France. Sieve M.

A Mary-West of Crater St. 47 ft of 75 ft of Lot A Blork 33 104 3R96 Cochran, Tlshla M. West of Center RL S'V of NEIi ot Block 33 Perennal Property $7521 3Xa Donaldson. John JL Wait of Center St. Lot A Blork 33.

81570 3902 Donaldson. John M. Wart of Center SL 30 ft of Lot 10. Block 33 390B Carder. Cheater Carder.

Melville R. West of Center SL Lnt 7, Blork 34. Exe 40.45 8189 39DB Carder. Cheater Carder, Melville R. West of Centra Rt.

42 ft of Lot A Block 34 Personal Prow arty 3928 Cnldanl. Henry O. A Aimls A. Wut of Center SL Lot 2 A WW of Lnt 4. Block 35 9674.86 3839 Smith.

Bertha C. Wert of Centra SL 12 ft 14 Inches of Lnt A A 2S ft of Lot A Block. 35. .5103.14 3051' Thoma Jerome J. A Josephine West of Center SL Lot 5 AR at I it 15 Block 37 ....2538 3961 Garret eon.

Klhel V.Weat of Crater SL-Lot A Btark 40. .....858.70 4001 OtL Alien F. A Mariorle -West of Center SL Lot 14. Blork 81 127.49 4018 Stathopoutoe. John A Ethel M.

Wut. of Center RL 31 ft 10 Inrhra of Lnt 14. Block 42 $2000 4047 Hatch, Edna Ceraldlnw-Wast of Center St.Lot 15 Btack 45 Pew aonal Property $12533 4077 Golherg, Gutman A Rcgena Wut of Crater EL Lot A Btack 47 skm S. A itabei' Wut or Center St WW of Lot 15 Blork 45 Lot 7. Block 43 Prmnnal Property 10 Murphy, Grace A.

Wut of Center SL-EVs of Lot 15 A all of Lnt 5 Block 50 $13500 4114 Holmes, Kvarelt A Verna Wut of Centra RL-Lot IA Block 50- Prrznnal Property 994 04 4125 Beeman. Jamu A A Fern M. -Wut of Crater SL 30 ft af of lad A Blork 51 $2548 4128 Spooner, Kaomn E. Wut of eater Sl WV of Lot 15 Block 4144 Klefsen, LnretU Wut of Centra St.Lot 5 Blork 52....... SIS 10 4170 Morkerman.

Eugene S. A Inn V. Wut of Crater SL Lot 15 Block 41wnimiiu'. Ralph' Virginia Wut of Crater Rt. Lot 77 Block 85 Personal Property .853572 4169 Greece.

M. Bey A Alice -Waal af Cantor SL Lot 15 Blork 41W WlldV." Anton Mailta E. Wut of Center SL SVx at Lots I A Stack 55 851 4223 McDonald. Jamu R. A Izctta Wert of Centra St.Lot 1, 2 ft of Lot 5 A I ft of Wife of Lot 15 Blork 85 834 99 42.78 Smith.

Dalny E. A Bertha E. Wut of Center SL NVh of Lou 10 A 12. Block 56 $1.7.67 4254 Glann. Arnold August A Edllk M.

Wert of Center St. 35 ft of 62 ft nf Lot 12. Blork 50 23.20 4288 Thornton. Gladys K. Wut of Canter SL Lot 5 Block 83 Peiaonel Property 8917 4M9 Ludwig.

Ethel A. A Edward W. Wert of Centra SL Lot 5 Block 83 Perronal Proport 166.2 4298 Swain, Howard A. A Roberta P. Wut of Center ST.

Ehi of Lot IA Block 82 Personal Properly 4518-Do Bartnln. Kn-WM of Centra RL Lnt Block 65. ..4598 4378 Myers. Eugene C. A Elsa L.

Wut of Crater St 80 ft of Lot T. Btark 47 Peraonal 87A04 4344 Biackmun. Ruth Wut of Centra Rt. Lot 5 Block 80 Perennal Property 108.07 4348-Hall. Mary Bb Wut of Centra SL-R 45 ft A 10 ft of 55 ft of Lou 7 A 45 ft Of Lou 0 A IL Block RR HU 4 Mary B.Wutof Crater SL 21 ft of Lot 15 Block 84.

.88.40 4.757 Manlnoth. Jerk H. A Lethe Weal of Center St. K. ft Of Lnt 1 A Vh of Lot 5 Blork 4381 KeTofimark.

William A Guw alo-Wut of Crater SL-M Vk ot Lnt 0 A IL Block $7 $UJS 4.799 Dries. Golden A Maude M. Wut at Crater SL-Lot Block TO eaeaoiaaeea ey a eazOOaaa Ztewow 4411 Wenger. Fred. C.

A Hazel V. Wut of Center St. Lot A 4 of Lot jA Stack 70 Personal Propra 4448 OMara, Jack E. A Elton Wast of Crater SL Lot 5 fltdn 453V-'botiy! John ML' A' Mary West at Center SL Lot IA Bl AVOMrPhereon. Roland T.

Wut of Centra Rt. Lot 5 Block 80 40.99 4538 Rtephena. Robert R. wut of Crater SL W. Va of Lnt IA pinrg 50 4588 Glhaonl itewia A RIefina Rp8n.

Beae-Weat of Canter St. Lot M. Block 81 Iersuoal Property. 4635liratoia. CaH Rl' A Ciare A Wut of Center SL Lot A Btark 87 Perennal Property 8123.90 4646 Alvarex.

Alto Wut of Center Rt. l2rt 15 Blork 89 4549 Buettner. William F. A Jennie M. Wart of Centra SL Lot IA Blork 85 $15 1 4721 Trunnell.

Joseph A Laura V-Wrrt of Crater SL Lot A 9556SIMHtlntl07 Eul ol banter SL Lot A Block 2ld Perennal Property 890.43 2430 Armonlno. Raymond, Erneat, Grace East of Center SL Lot 14. Btark 310 $29.08 3454 First Southern Missionary Hap-tlal Chruch. I nr. Eaat of Center SL Lot 7.

Block 315 1AM 2100 KJorf. Ilarola etel East of Crnler St Lot 1A Blork 215 .57.48 2528 Tucker. Charles F. A Marie A. -Eut of Center SL Lot 1A Blork 231 10.96 2519 Schneider, Anna lnt.

(taa InL Eaat of Center SL Lot 1. Blork 223 Peraonal Property 3K1.50 2SM drhnelder, Anna kaet of Center St.Lot A Block 2211 Nielson, of Center SL A Block 238 Personal Property $47.07 2849 Pateeh. Joseph A Martha' East. of. Center SL 14.75 ft.

ot Lot 5 AW 18 ft. of Lot 7. Block 239 34.83 MS3-Bamgan. Pedro A A Juanita r-Kaab of Center SL Lot Ml Blork 37-Quaii i ef. red' A- WrgSia Eait of Center St 40 339 83A 18 jm.

NaVa'lwl'Eait ot Center SC-Lot lt Btack 240 $138.03 278t-COf felt, Virgil M. Eut of Center 25 ft of ft Of lAt 14 AN V4 Of Lote3 A A Block 243 25.34 27R9 Harrison, Howard E. A Emma R. Eut of Crater Rt. 42vh ft of Loti IV A IX Btark 213 14.36 2809-Curtla, Franrta Wlllla East of Crater St.Lot 1.

Block 215 $533 2810 Curtis. Franrta Wlllla Eaat of Crater St. Itat 3, Btack 245 5A1U 2811 Volghl. Charles A. Eaat of Center St.Lot A Block 245 538.18 3814 Murrell.

Alice Eaat of Crater SL-Lot 11. Blork 245 $344 3838 Gogna. Nat A Adeie East or Center SL Lot 1A Block 345 Personal Property 16551 3949 Frank A Evanxelcw-Eaat of Center SL Lot A Block 249 2573 3859-Panella, Ralph A Catherine Eut at Center 8L -Lot 14. Blork 249.. 93536 3899-Panella.

Ralph A Cal he rl no East of Center SL 48 ft of Lnt 4. Blork 249 88.19 3862 Chavez, Petra Eut at Crater 81. -Lot A Block 249 $39213 3899 Carter. Mate A jamas Eut of Center SL Lot 14. Btack 353 Personal Property $107.44 89UO SrotL Charles Eaat of Crater JOt 1A Stock 353 $54.01 3910 Peyton.

Edmund A A Mamie G. Eut of Center I A 3 A 80 ft of Lot 13-Ex 42 ft la Block 255 34A33 2917 Romero, Rehecrn Eut orCew ter SL Lot 14, Block 355 81531 2921 Huerta, Julian, etel Eul of Center SL 3 ft of Lot A all of Lot A Black 255 $68.22 2947 Smith. Ruth A. Eut of Crater St. -Lot A Block 357 Peraonal Property .....84556 2951 Johnson, Weiley A Estelle O.

-list of Crater SL Lot Blork 82563 2953 Nemle. Eva East of Center si. -Lnt Block 2SW 27.79 2961Blevlna, Albert G. A Edna E. Eut of Center SL Lot 2 Exe 12 Inches la Block 23S 9227 2979 Goodman, James H.

A Wanda East of Center St. Vi of of Lnt A all of LoU A IE Blork 381 $119.57 2988 Mandoe. Bllllo J. Eaat of Center St. Lot 14.

Block 363 Personal Property 84.115 2959 Caldera. Edward J. Sr. A Al dlna of Ceoler SL 13 ft of S3 ft of Lot I A 22 ft of 80 ft Of Lnt A Block 283 57.80 AM Bibo, Josephine-'East of Center St.Lot 1A Block 283 $1.08 3019 Rcyca, Thomas Eaat at Crater SL-8 of Lot A Block 263 Peraonal Property $42. Ht 3011 Boco, Lena Eut of Crater St.

4 of Lot A Blork 283 81310 3023-Munoa. Camlla Z. East of Center SL Lot 1A Block 264 62502 SKht-Andaya. Rufina of Crnler St.Lot SAN20ftofWI0 ft of Lnt A Block 264 $94.83 3929 Christensen. O.

J. A I redo East of Center Rt. Lot A Block 344 Exe 30 ft of 10 ft 1536 3045 Repettl, Dario E. East of Canter ft of 1 of Lnt 6 A V. of Lot 11, Block 267.....

52810 8055- Mini. Ulllait Eul of Crater SL Lot 7. Block 368 $48.32 3063 Hammond. D. J.

A P. Ol East of Center SL Vs of Lota 3 A A Block 268 54.03 3087 Relaford. Bill, etal Eut of Center RlB Vfc of Lota IV A 1A Block 389 71.15 3U61 Boyden. Julia East of Center St.Lot A Blork 26 3068 Gong Kin A Nart Shoe Eut of Center SL Lot 1L Block 270.. 8194.23 3091 Amendola.

Peter A There Eut at Canter SL Lot 15 Blork 270.. 993.20 3093 Ponce. Manuel A Ruth Eut of Center RLN Va of LoU 3 A A Stack 3711 $138 3085 Jauregul. Thoofllo Eut of Center RL Let A Block 270 161.54 3104 Garrla, Edward A Elvira East at Center St. Lot A Btark 273 2521 3H5-Crra, Joseph A Edna Eut of Center Rt.

Lat Block 213. Joe D. Jr. A Elvira 3118 Guerrero, -Eut at Center SL Lot A Stark 373 .33583 3129 Herrera. Rose East of Crater St.

lot 7. Blork 275 830 83 3155-Manl. Ulla Eeat of renter St. of LoU 3 A 4. Block 218 .820 30 3192 Hurtaon, Ids E.

East at Caw ter RL Lot 14. Blork 281 84546 3211 Ranches. Abe Jr. Fart of Crater SL Lou A A Btack 262 577.19 3212 Rancher. Abo Jr.

Eut of Crnler St.Lot A Block 282 $1551 3Ml-4)dhenL Frank, eul East of Crater SL LoU 1 A A Btack 299. 868.14 3248 Henderson. Jack M. A Dorothy -East ot Crater Rl. 0f stock 397-Exc Viof 543.20 3848 Henderson, Jack M.

A Dorothy Eut of Canter SL Lot 4, Rinck 287 19.83 3250 Barataa. Joe D. A Rosa H. Fast of Crater BL 38 ft of Lot 12. Blwk 3 WJ a a a a 0 0 RA raw 8 ooeaoeeooasaaoeoeaoooo Al.rV 3251 Hernandez, Alejandro A Maw Sna East of Crater SL Lot 1 Btark 207 Exe 35 ft 894 82 3269 Burk.

Thornes East el Center SL-Lot 4. Block 303 8578 327V Buck, Thomas Eut at Center SI Va of Block 309-Exe 50 ft -Esc lot 1 A Vk of Lot 17 Personal Property 81304 42 C-29610-P Burk. bonus Peraonal Property Elkhom 89-2 SMK-Aeevea. Henry C. H.

A Rue Eut of Crater SL Lot 15 Btark KIT 122.98 3304 Hernandez, Alejandro A Maw tin Eut of Center SL Lot 0, Btark 111 82.50 33S Poynor, Mamie Eut ot Crater St.Lot 11, Block 31.... 1534 33.15 Baldwin, Gea Eul of ter RL-Lot 15 Block 315 82.01 3335 Baldwin, Georaa C. Eut of Crater SL At Of Block SIS 89.01 3350 Squlree, John A. A Annabel Eut of Center St. 43 ft.

Of IB 5 ft. nf Lot A Block 317 84.73 3311 Giuliani, Bek A Kathew-L of Crater SL 7 ft. of 8 HA ft. of ft of la leU A II ot I 858 A Block 317.... 822.57 3357 Bogst.

Tho mu Eut Center SL N'8 of Btark 31S 3357 Thonus W. Eaat of Crater St LoU 6 aad Ml Blork 31 leiieeiaooai 1 aeeeaeeoeaeaae $759 Bogfi. Thomas W. Eut of Center Rt. liOt 15 Blork 318 $2.78 3359 Boggs.

Thumu W. Eut of Corner 5L--Lot IA Blork 318 82 78 3367 Paulin, Ernesto-Kaat at Crnler St IoU 13 A IA Btark 322 8708.48 3397 Paulin, Wllmut East of Centra St 28'x of Lot 14. A 14 ft of Lola 2 A 4 A 14W ft of ft of Lot A Btack X-Pisonal Prop- arty trio 3403 Mradea. John A Mnmla East at Centra Rt. 21 ft of Lot 8 A 21 ft of Lot A Block 32i-Personal Property 867.44 3414 llornung, Julius East of Cew ter RL Lou 2 i A Blork 324.

.37.35 3133 U. S. Quick Frozen looda, Inc. 3433 U. S.

Quick Frozen Foods. a Carp. Wut of Canter SL WW of lork B' $398.77 Sirty. A Quirk Frozra Fond a nira-Wiat of Center Rt. Et Of Block Peraonal Properly an a.

3148 RusselL Daniel Raymond, etel Wert of Canter SC Lot 7. Blork H- 1892 3449 Ruaarll. Daniel Raymond, etal West of Crater SL Lot A Block $16.92 Daniel Raymond, rial Wert of Cuter SL Lot 11. Blork H1 j. 21.98 mm a III it I aooeooeteooaeeeeeo MNUcrili.

luflv, of Cen- tra RL Lut is, Block H. 912 25 3474 Craig. Lucy Mae Wut or Cew ter RL Tart IA Blork H' Ill 57 3157 Rodriguez. Lllez Weal of Center 8L Lot A Block H't LEGAL Wiril'M Important Notice to Taxpayers ALL TAXPAYERS. whafhar dntln- Swnt or not, ahould carefully axamlna Delinquent Tax Llat, aa errors art likely to oerur which, II not dlgcnrerad tier In time, would rauad lncouraalcnca to partis concerned.

AMENDED Delinquent Tax List In and for lha County ofSanJoe-uln. Suta of California, for Taxea andor Aaacaamonla Levied la tha year 1947 for tha Fiscal Year Notice la hereby given that unlna the tMal amount duo for tha flacal year 1MMM for taxes. aaaaaamania, penal-tlea and coata na any property, aa abown on the llat below oppoalta the drarrlplkm of the property, la paid before 11:00 a Jane II, tha real property on which ouch araupnta are a lien (except real proprrty prev-loualy aold to the Rule and not redeemed). will by operation of low be anld la lha State of California i at aoch time In the office of the Tax Co Hector at the rourtbouae In the City of Stock-ton. County of San Joaquin.

W. C. XKUMILLKB. Tax Collector of San Joaquin County. 'State of California.

'Dated May 39th. 1948. Notice Property to Be Deeded to the State Special attention le directed to the Addenda to tbU published dw Mnquent Bit. Property Bated In this Addenda and heretofore aold to tha Stale on tho SXai day efdaMj 1948. at 11:00 a.

In tho the 'Tax Collector at Stockton, County of San Joaquin. California, be deeded to the Rule unleea aooner redeemed or deeding la poetponed aa provided by law. Dated: Thla ath day of May, 1941. W. C.

KKUMI7.LKB. Collector of San Joaquin county, Bute of California. ABBREVIATIONS All abbreviation throughout thla advert larmeot art uied aa follow: North or Northerly. South or Southerly. Eaat orlaiwrly.

Writ or WeaUrly, NE Northraeterly. NW North westerly. SE-Soulhcaiter-ly. sw SoulhweaUrly. Ao Acre or Acre.

Add Addition. Adi Adjacent. Adjoining. Ala Along. Amd Amended.

Ami AmuunL A And. Anx Annex or Annexe! Ion. Arb Arbitrary, Are Avenue. Beg Beginning, Blk Block. Bk Book.

Between. Bounded. Bdy Boundary. Blvd Boulevard. Building.

Buildings. Cen Center. CD Chain. Chain. CV Centerline.

Ct a Carla. Col Colony. Com Commenrinx. Co y. Co County.

Cent Containing. Cor Comer. Corp Corporation. cr Cred it. Ci Creek.

Dew Degrees Dewy-Dracrlbed. Dir Direction. Dial DU-trlrt. Dtv Division. Dollar.

Dr- Drive, eul and other. Eq EquIptnenL Ins Incorporated. liu Intersection. Eat Ealale. Exe Except.

Ex Exrlualvr. Ext Feet. Fix Foll-Foltawlng. Frao Fraction. Fractl Fractional.

Furn Furniture. Govt-Government. Hd Homestead. Ex Houve holder Exemption. Hwv Highway.

Imp Improvement. Incl Inclusive. Id Lend. Ltg Lighting. Lka Links.

Mfg Manufacturing. Mdse Merchandise. Ml Milo or Miles. Ml sc Miscellaneous. ML Mora or leu.

ML Mount Diablo BiW 4 Meridian. Mun Municipal. Natl National. No Number. Map In Official Records MOfflrul Napa.

Official Records. Pa Pace. Para Pirn Parallel. Parcel. Pk Park Fin Partition.

Peraonal Piece, Pair Portion. Pt Point. Pot Im Pnerersory Interest. It Pomew dlua. Rcb Ranch.

Ro Rancho. Railroad. Rga Range. Ry Railway. RNlangular.Mea Reservation.

Soft Revub Reaubdl vision. Rt Right. RA Right Angle. RW-RIght of Way. Rl River.

Rd Road. Run Running. Sd Said. SC Solvent a 1 1 a. Sq Square.

Sf Square TeeL Sla Station. St Street. Subd Subdivision. 8LS Swamp land Survey. A Swamp A Overflow.

Sun Survey. Ter Terrace. Th Thence. Twp Township. Tr Tract.

Trees. Trlang Triangular. Lnd tt In I Indlvlded 74 IntereaL Vatvalu of Va Vinca. X-By. Yds-Yatda.

NOTE The amount following each separate ease lament la thla list Includes tha amount of oil taxes, amassment, penalties and coals In dollars and cent! due ox reel estate. Improvement and peraonal property aad rotate only to lie entry to which Is attached for tha entry tho fiscal year 1947-1944, Taa Bill Mm Desert oil of Tetal DnaTf of Stockton Code S-0-0 9 Andrews, G. R. East of Center St. 50 ft of Block A all of Scotia Are.

lying bet Una of Hunter SL A lino of San Joaquin SL. .372.74 11 Marshall. Mary P. Eaat of Cantor 8L 80 ft Of 33V ft of Lot Block -D 317.31 13-Plckena. Walter A Laeta-Eaat of Center SL Vs of Lot A hlpck Jl ee.

1 1 4 m-Dcegan. John A Keltk M. Eaat of Center SL Lot A Black 134 Cooper. Jaonb. etal Eaat of CenterSL Lot 1A Block ....3125.87 1.T7 Lorler.

Rein hard V. A Patricia O'Dell Eaat ot Canter SL Lot A Blork 9 375.10 LIS Lozier, Relnhard V. A Patrlda ODell Eaat of Center SL Lot J. Block 9 351.75 149-Gegna, E. A.

Eaat of Center St. Vi of Lot A Block $145.93 223 Bark ett. Anthony A Mary Annie Eaat of Center St Com at SW cor Of Block 13 th 7310 ft th 34 ft th ft to beg In Block 13. .343595 43 Dentnni. Louie Jr.

A Hally May Eaat of Crater SL 30 ft of S5 ft of Lot 4AW15ftofS05 ft of Lot A Blork 29 $43.27 517 Spry. Mrs. Emma Gayou Eeat of Center SL 30 ft of Lot A Stark 34 HI US Spry. Emma Goyou Eaat of Ccntey SL Did Va 30 ft el A Block 34 -31A50 519-Gayou. Emma Eaat at Center SL-Gnd Vk 30 ft.

Of Lot A Block mi flmNO 544 Boren. Nellie rtel Iteat of Crnler St. Lot 4. Block 35 540.11 699 Reyea. Primltlvo N.

A Segundo CL But of Center SL 32 ft of Lot 1 A 32V4 ft of 33Vk of Lot A Block 30.7....... 3155.47 105 Salvation Army Eaat of Crnler SL 88 ft of Lot 1L Block 39 1.75.72 90911 Sals Inc. carp. East of Center St. of Lot 15, Btark 30 Peraonal Property 3233.85 Lyie R.

A Carmen G. Eaat of Canter SL Lot 1A Block 40 $103.53 077 Clark. Willie A Loren na East of. Crater SL Lot 1A Block 43 325.13 S79-Adams, Myrtle G. Eairt of Cen tar SL Lot 14.

Block 43 330 30 711 Friedman, Irwin Tati of Center SL Lot 1A Stack 44 358.57 712 Friedman. Irwin East of Center SL Lot 14. Block 48... 331.93 713 Friedman, Irwin Zut of Center SL Lot 1A Block 49.j. $40.90 714 Friedman.

Irwf ter SL Lot 1A Block 715 Friedman. Irwin Eaat of Can ter SL Lot B-Exo I ft A all of Lots 10 A 1A Block 1112.20 793 Conklin. F. East of Center St. Lot A Blork 49 331.19 797 Lea Sang Cast of Center St.

Lot A Block 52 $49.28 810 Navarra, Julian A Juanita East of Crater SL 70 ft of Lot U. Block S3 Exe 84 ft 84.07 819 Rlahwain, B. a A Mattldn-bet of Center St. Va of Lot 4, Blork 03 Exe 88.54 ft ....31 836 Mesas. Kajlle East at Center Clr-let A Block fcrt-tarlton.

Lew, etal East of Cen- ter SL Lot A Blork 50 339.23 049 Crux. Antonio out East of Crater St. Lot 14. Blork 07. 452 Cruz.

Antonin etal Eaat of Center SL Lot A Stack 57 578 55 BS3 Crux, Antonio etal East of Center St. Lot A Btack 57 3948 855 Tong Shea Eaat of Canter St. Lot S. Block 37 S15.M 891 Ratio. Eatrlto A Valdez, Ella Eaat of Center St.

40 ft of foil: Lot 1 A 15J ft of Lot A Btark 00 $9A43 093 Wong Som A Fanny Wong Eaat of Outer SL 10 ft of 34.5 ft of Lot A Block 00 Parsonal arty KB Ellab Fella But of Center St. 8 3i ft of hi of Lot Id, Block 00 $29.17 90S Wlaler, OtU-Eeat of Center St Lot 8. Block 90-Eac 24.37 915.47 909 Raadell, Ralph etal Eeat of Cealer St. 34. ft of Lot d.

Blork 60 115.17 15McCutrhen, W. A. Eaet of Center SC of Lot 3, Block 61.. wftlV 930-Hlrech, Robert H. Hlixch.

Harry J. Eeat of Center SL 90.50 ft Of 86.30 ft Of LOU 10 A 12. Blork SI 010.21 a Hlrerh. Robert H. A lllrach.

Many J. Eeat of Crater St. 71 ft of 44.83 ft of Lot III A II A I 3 ft of 71 ft of Lot Mb Block 81 Peraonal Property 325.08 93 Bone. Kate M. A Edythe C.

Bait of Center St. Lot 2, Block 02. 354.50 681 Gregorius. Joaephlno M. A Antonio Eaat of Center n.

Lot 6, Blork 3 Exe IS45 ft 514.50 042 Mamba. Rafaela U. A Eapero-dloo East of Center ft. Lot A Block 3 Eke 15.05 ft .315.29 13 Rnfanan. Juan R.

Eaat of Center SL Lot 10. Block 03. $15.97 1089 Weber Home Co. Eaat of On-tar St. of Miner Channel 10 ft of Lot Block ID 9 189 1070 Carter.

Clara Belle Eeat of Center SL Cad Va Lot 7. Block SI 10.39 1155 Cooper. Clara Bello Eaat of Crater SL fa Af Lot 13. Blork 7S S3UM 1168 Johnson, Ctava A. Eaat.

of hub sonnsuB) vms ft. vs Center St. Ja of Lot fJ A oil of Lot A Blork 77, SM.Sk 1344 Marlin, Ciena A Helen Eaat of Canter SL 40 ft of Lot Id. Blork 3253.45 1273 Stonglnnd, Arthur S. A Ella-bet Eaet of Center SL 40 ft of Lot T.

Block B4 $35.80 1383 Hand. Maggie Eaat of Center St. 40 ft of ft of Lot 12. Blork 01 $33.30 1371 Martin. Edward J.

A Ruth E. Eaat of Center SL Part of Lot 14, Block 02 aa foil Com ot NW cor of Lot 14 th 00 ft Ik 35.45 ft th SW 31.30 ft th 37.94 ft th to beg 1374 Henrh. John M. Jr. East of Center St.

Lot i Block 93 8394.01 1381 Aguirre, Joae A.Lupe East of renter SL 1 of Lot 1ft Block l4unw'Heieiii'WiHr Eaat at Center SL Lot 12. Block 98. 'eeaaeoaeaeeeeaaoopea aaeoaooo wHWwB 1445 McPherson, Roland T. East of Crnler St. Lot 4.

Blork 99.... 1444 McPheraon, Roland T. Eeat of Center SL of Lot f. Btark 90 .07.80 1451 Wllllama. Eldon G.

A France H. Exit of Center SL Pnr of LoU 1 A A Blork 109 Beg at NW enr of Lot 1 In Blk 100 Eaat of Center SL run th' 99 ft tor ot of bag th ft to SW cor of Lot Jl th E. 100 ft to SE cor Lot 3 20 ft 44 rtN2ftWSStttoptof beg Personal Property 1474 Durke. Roily A. A Mao Diit of Crnler SL-M 40 ft of Tot 1A Blork 101 $24.41 1205 First Church of tho Naaarene of nekton Eaat of Center SL Lot A Block MS 1519 SangulnetU.

George walnut of Center SL LoL A Block ltd 68 1553 McCurdy. J. A Mabel L. Eaat of Cantor SL 294 ft. af tat A Block 10S 1569 Stephens.

Clyde. M. A Carrlo- Eait or Center 8L-W Va of BE1 4 Btark 110 1571 Malpaaao. Fred A Bonnie Faf Exit of Center SL Lot A Block 111 1072 Harden, Cleude C. Eaat el Center St.

Lot A Blork 111 ....951.41 1594 Palermo. Edward Roller. Albert 1 Eaet of Canter SL Lot 15. Btark 112 S57.0S 1595 Peterson. Edward Roller.

Albert of Crater SL Lot 1A Blork 113 ..3712.71 18M Slier. Clara Ae-East of Center St. Lot A Blork 112 32.73 1029-COrodemae, Loll W. Fall of enter SL It ft. of Lnt and nil of A A Block 11 Personal Property $185 04 1830 Kraus, Frank A.

A Ethel East of Center SL Lot 7. A Vk of Lot 15. Btark 115 5238.95 14W Coana. NaL etel Eaet of Center St. Lot A Block 115 Peraonal Property IS 1 rniifriy iiimii nj 1718 Lee.

F. Eut of Center Rt Lnt 14. Blaek 123 tffil!) 1728 Pazanns. Sarah Ri East of Ontar SL SO ft. of Lot A Blork 124 $44.05 lTMKraus.

Frank A A Ethel L. East of Center St. R4 of Wh ol Lot 14 A all of Lot A Btack 124 Peraonal Property S218.M 1751 Anderson, Roy It. A Ana M. East of Center SL Lot A Btark 13 $51.15 1807 Whitley, trad V.

Eaat of Center St.Lot A Alork 13L East of Center SL Lot A Black 131 Personal property 5MB.9S 1814 LoakA K. East of Center SL EH A 45 ft of WV4 Of Lot IS. Block 131 .87441 UTf Mepham. Harry B. A Bernlra -East of Center St.

ft. or N. 00 fL of lot AAWMft. ofNOOft. of Lot A Block 131 -Peraonal Proo-arty .8100.30 1879 South wick.

Karls A Margaret East of Center St. 90 ft of 3914 ft- of Lot A Block 139 Personal Property $93.94 1999 Praegltaer, Alvin A Lillian Eaat of Center SL UM 10. Blork 130. Exe. 27.50 ft.

of 30 ft A 30 ft. ol 12.50 ft. of 42.50 ft. Lot 12. Block ISA Exe.

27 50 ft $104.00 1900 Bown. Kathleen East of Center SL left 7. Black 1W $48.30 rtoSAii diova i-ia mwmw 1915 Glovannonl. Evelyn P. East of Center Rt.

Lot, 1A Btack 138.... $63.57 1953 Halt Huey A Eaat of Center SC. SH of Lot U. Block 141 Personal Property .80.91 1983 Hamilton, Arthur L. A Grace L.

Eaet of Crater SL Lot 10L Blork 141 $18.2 2nm Bown. Kathleen Eeat of Canter SL WV4 of Lot 1 and all of Iat 8. Btark 144 $633 302R Hutaon. Charles P. East of Senior St.

47 ft 3 Inches of I -of 15. lock 144 133.0 3985 George, Ernest A Gertrud Eut of Center St.Lot Ml Block led Personal Property .884.80 2189 Lewalten, Jobs ll A Alice Eut at Center SL Lot 15, Blork 153 539 0 29 Lews lien. Johk A Allot I. Eut of Crater SL Lot 1A Btack 153 3106. 99 2117 Ba rosso.

J. A. East of Crater SL Lot 14. Block 184 ..74.13 2118 Rohertaon, H. E.

A Dolllo Fast of Crater SL Lot 1A Blork 184 I 2137 Beckwith, Juaring etal East of Onler St. 14 InL Lot A Btark 18A Beckwith Larlng Ufo oat. Lot A Blork 185 83AU. 2154 Madrid. Adolph N-.

Eaat ol Center SL Lnt A Btark 189 4.53 9154 Madrid. Adolph N. Eaat of Crater St Lot 11. Block ISO. 815.17 2158 Rowan.

Jethro W. A Ruby Eut of Center SL Lot 14. Block lw-Ptrxnnal Property A59.T3 2175 Craig. Cora A East of Center SL-SV4 at Lota and A Block 190 2F79ggWluli! tuipli A Lwy Eaat at Center SL Lot A Block 180 aeae0eeaia9 OS eaeeaataeoOeeeaw S84 GIumL John A Adeie East of Crater kl lAti ft. of 84 of Lot 4.

A BH of Lot A Btark 197 2325 Miller. Janus A A Lorraine East of Center SL Pnr of Lots 1 A A Btack 203 Beg. at NW cor. ot ad. L( 1 th.

IB (W 59 ft. thn. 12 50. th. 78 OF.

50 thn 12. 5A7 ft to base-Pcmoaal Prnperto .8110.54 2340Boggi. Leone Eaat of Center Lot 1A Block 303 Ptreonal Prow St.Lot 10. Block 303 Ptreonal Prow rty $42.78 3345 Keel. James A A Emma Eaat of Center St.

33H ft of Lot Blork 2M Pemonal 355.33 23R1 Weinberg. Annie East of Center SL V4 of Lou A 10 A 12. Block 307 $17.72 aUI-JtlDA Albert Ji, A AdA XL f. i I- i I a 1 nrl SL lying ot Lot 41 $7.33 lfarrta 8205 Harrison. Henry G.

A Ntrollno Fair Oaka North Lota A 1. Block 43 $2.50 8303 Dixon, Annie A Joaeph Frrber -Fair Oaka North Lute IL 12, 13 A 11, Blork 43 $2300 0267 Bynum, Euatne V. A Ernes I J. Nerllng Fair Oaka North Lota 33 33, 34 A 33 Block 43 $1470 $244 Ferbcr. Jnwph Fair Oaka Nortta Lola 4L 43 A 43 Block 44 $8.00 8209 Schwoerer.

I nils W. A Evelyn M. Fair Oaka Norlli LoU 55 A j. Block 47 72.30 83U9 Mallla. John Fair Oalu North Lola 37.

30 A 39. Btark 47,... $14.20 87UI Tlbbeta. Putnam A Kathryn-Fair Oaka North Lola 40 A 41. Blork 47 $35.06 5311 Silica.

Wm. Sw A Mabel Fair Oaka North-Lota 13 14 A 13 Blork 48 81.07 8314 Thompson. C. M. Fair Oaka North Lots 23 21 A 22.

Blork 48. .353 8318 CovarruMas, Armando P. A Sally L. Fair Oaka Norlli Lota 3D. 31 A 32.

Blork 48 75.55 8310 Covarrublas, Armando P. A Sally Fair Oaka North Lot 33. Block 48 1.49 8322 Carpenter. Edward M. A Allco B.

Fair Oaka Northv-Lota 45 A 48. Blnrk 48 $4308 8326 Minton. Leslie H. A Helen-Fair Oaka North LoU I A 8 Block 49 93H5 8328 Laughlln. Ruaaell R-.

Falr Oaks North LoU 9 A 10, Block 40 $65.80 83KP-Anic rlrari IniulaVlon jtarvlre, Lou 47 A Maud North Lola 34 A 35. Black Ine. Fair daks North Lou 4f A 48, Block 49 ,..,........28.12 KW6 Tyhurst. Mau4 Fair (Oaka DnniiOii rtf HUM as. b3.jb To ko deeded to tke Kioto Jan ft.

1818 fie kata Ke III In nddaadn to 83H8 Sconyera. W. T. A Thelma E. -Fair Oaka North-Lot 40, Blork 53 SoesoeaoooaaeaaoaaaaaOkOoieoek 9haWV 8368 Allard, Cecil Fair Oaka North Lola 3 A 4, Block 54 8415 Turner.

Adolphus A. air Oaka North Lot 47. BJnck 54. I 9418 Sheridan. Philip W.

Ohka North Lot 3 Block 55. .81,93 To be deeded to tke BUU Joae II, 1918 fieejteta Me. 3117 In addends to fcfi431Sheri.lin. Phllllp R-Falr Oaka North Lot 27. Blork 55.

$10 To ho deeded 4 Jhe Rtslo Jaae 1948 Moo fialee Ke. 1111 In addeada to 9433 Fleming, H. A. A Algle-Fair Oaka North Nik of Lota 3 8 5 A 8 Block 57 .32375 94.19 Da Rider. Frllrltaa a A l.rneet Oaks North LoU 11 A 13, Block 57 8449 Qulnonro Manuels Martel-Fair Oaks Tract Com at NW cor of Market Rt A 'A' Rt.

th 113 ft VV 75 ft 8 115 ft 73 fl to beg. 8452 Perez. Joae A Yaurenrik G. Fair Oaks Tract 38 ft of toll Com 177 ft of NW eor of Inters of Market A 'A' Sts. th 73 ft 100 ft 73 ft 100 ft to beg.

j. $165 James. John H. Fair Oaka Tract Lots 21. 22.

23 A 24. Block 5 Peraonal Property 8179-Mack, 5. D. A Siller W. Fair Oaks Tract LoU A 10.

Blark 8 9tP-Perry man, Vtadill rtaY Fill Oaka Tract Lots 15 A 18 Blorij Felipe a Guidiliioo Fair Oaka Tract Lot.12, Block 8408 Cook. Mara Ella Fair Oaka Tract. Lou 13. 14, IS A 18 Blork Nat A Adata -F ai Oaks Tract 50 ft of Lot 28 Blrak 7 Mara' Ella-Fair (taka Tract Lot 1. Block 2.07 8518 Cook, Mary Ells Fair Oaks Tract Lot 8 Block 0 .13.67 8529 Brannon.

Aim na Fair Daks Tract-Lot 8 Btark 9 23.48 9565 Cook. Mary Ella A Clarice K. Fair Oaka Tract LoU 43 A 44. Blnrk 85Mok. 'Mary Elio' A Clarice K.

Fair Oaka Tract LoU 45 A 46, Blork 10 .........83.65 8578 Murphy. Cleveland A Lora-Fair Oaka Tract Lot 38 Block 11 1 .82. 12 S578 Murphy. Cleveland A lairs Fair Oaka Tract-Lot 28 Btark 11. Annie" 1, etal' Fair Oaka Tract-Lads 30 A 40, Block ll 8599-Nato! diroYae A Ida Fair Oaka Tract E.

5 ft nf lad 8 Block Gcnryt A Ida Fair Oaka Tract Lot 8 Block 14 -Personal Property $1863 1(861 Luccheal. Mlnlca Fair Oaks Tract LoU 11 and 18 Block 14. .3833 WHO Luccheal Mlnlca Fair Oaks Tract lat 1.7, Black 8808-Do Rnaa. Don R. A Midlta S.

Fair Oaks Tract LoU 23 A 24. Block 14 8630 Quinones. Rcfuzlo Fair Oaks Tract-Lots 47 A 48. Btack. 14....

U.0T 8829 Schaffer, Rose Fair Oaka Trart Lots 19 A 26. Btark 15. 8540 Cooper. Dorothy Fair Oaka Trart Lots 41 A 48 -Block 15 Per- anal Properly ......861.09 8644 Brannon. Alma Fair Oaka Tract Lola 1 A 2.

Btack 16 88.87 8691) Galindo. Henry, A. Hatea C. Fair Oaka Tract LoU N. 11 Block IS 8663 Conklin.

Fred L. Fair Oaka Tract Lola 37 A 38. Block 16. 8683 Haines. A.

D. A T. H. Can field Fair Oaks Tract 80 ft of Lola 8 1 A Btark 10 $24.82 8685 Saenz. Albino A Lydia R.

Fair Oaks Tract LoU 5 A 8, Block 88WDnmlnqure, Elizabeth I6 Oaka Tract lot 7, Blnrk 30 $7. It 8686 Dominguez, Elizabeth Fair Oaka Tract 8. Block 20 8669 Kaiser. Eliza M. Fair (taka Tract LoU 37.

28. 29. 30. 31 A 32. Btark 20 874 Ladd'.

Homer W. Fair Oaka Tract lads 12, Block 21 $26.65 8708 Curiel. Ralvadnr Fair OakJ Trart a Lota 7 A 8, Slock 11..... $5.08 8739 Lennon. Charlra P.

A 8. Fair Oaks Tract Lot 30, Block 23 ...81.71 8739 Lennon Charlra F. A.l-. R-rT Fair Oaks Tract-Lot 3L Block 22 89.6S 8744 Rlerenaon. Antonio A.F'lr Oaka Tract LoU 38 A 39.

Block 32 8748 Wllbora. Le Roy A Pearl File Oaka Traci Lota 43. 43 and 44, Btack 22 Peraonal Property 847.25 8757 Poindexter, Frederirit Roaara A Ruth Fair Oaks Track Lota 11 A MUnjy'r jta'jra Tracts lads 47 A 48. Block 28.. ..68 Vltorlo-Falr Oak; Tract Itada .77 A 38.

Blnrk 24 41.44 To he deeded to Mie Mato Jaao 1118. fiee Kale Ke. 8113 la addeada la this list. 8789 White, Conrad N. A Martha Fair Oaka Tract LoU 41 A 42, Block .......83.31 McKInzIf, Jne Fair Oaks Tract -SSir 1 a 7.

mm 8815 lUnaoa. S. A. Fair Oaks Tract Lot 21. Block 27 $1.48 8R72 Christen cn, C.

Fair Oaks Trart Lnt 3, Blork 28 81.69 8832 Christen zcu. C. Fair Oaka Trart Lnt 4. Blork 28 $1.89 8833 Tipton. Leroy A Anna Fair Oaks.

Tract-LoU 5 A 5, Block 28 884 Half. Jlmmi-Falr Oaks' Trart lads 27 A 28. Blork 28..... 315 8h 19 Graves. Ellis beihFalr Oaka Tract LoU and 34, Btark 28.

88 17 Graves. Elizabeth Fair Oaka Tract Lota 35 A 38. Btack 28. .88.68 8859-Levy, Max W. A Ronla Fate Oaka Tract LoU 10 A IL Block 29 Max i' Ronli-Falr Oaka Tract LoU A 13.

Block 26 M61 Max A Ron'la Oaka Tract Lots 18 15 A 18 Blnric 20 7.78 8WB -Index'tfT, Frederick Rngcrj A Rulh Fair Oaka Tract LoU 22 23 A 24. Block 29 C-61 8868 Perry, Baby A Jewell Fair Oaka Tract LoU 28 and 30. Blot 38 19-Perfy. Bahv "A jewel! VgjT (Lantlnaai an Fallowing ragai.

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