Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

70 ..38 .46 one ..77 at live The mat MONDAY EVENING PATENT QUESTION TO BE REOPENED Attorney General Wickersham to Have Full Bench Rule. WASHINGTON, July General Wickersham has begun preparatons to have the full bench of the Supreme Court pass on the patent monopoly question. The issue will be reopened through the anti-trust suit against? the "bathtub trust," which has ap: pealed to the Supreme court by the defendants, who were ordered to dissolve the by the United States Circuit Court of the district of Maryland. The Supreme Court, with seven members sitting, decided last spring, four to three, that owner of a patented article might restrict its use and stipulate the use of cerain appurtenances. Before attempting to restrict the ent monopoly" by legislation, officials are anxious that the full bench pass on the issue.

'UNDER TWO FLAGS' SHOWN AT CAMERA In addition to the usual good list of pictures, the Camera theater today 1s showing a new two-reel attraction, "Under Two Flags," taken after the dramatization of Oudia's famous story of that title. Every one, from the children "up, 1s familiar with the story, and a detailed outline is unnecessary. The picture is one of the finest specimens of the Alm maker's art, and no expense has been spared in its production. Another two-reel production is in store for the Camera's patrons for tomorrow, when "Written in Blood," a tragic romance of the days of Napoleon, wilt be presented. "Rip Van Winkle," elite with the country of the Hudson Catskills AS the original scene setting, will be on Wednesday.

OROVILLE GRATEFUL TO LOCAL CHAMBER That the Oroville Chamber of Commerce appreciates the efforts of the Oakland organization in causing the former city to be named as the seat of the California Development Board convention, to be held in that city on December e6 and 7, is duly evidenced in a letter received by Secretary Denison of the local chamber from President E. A. Jackson of the Oroville body. Jackson was notifled last week by the board that Oroville was unanimously elected as the next meeting convention is to be preceded by the orange and olive exposition, which wil extend through the days of the deboard's visit. The exposition opened on December 2, largest variety of citruse and deciduous fruita ever amassed in the country.

stock, minerals and lumber will also be displayed at the YOUNG ROBBER GOES? TO JAIL FOR 15 YEARS Frank Ward, youthful robber, left the county jail this morning for the state penitentiary at Folsom, where he will spend the next fifteen years. Ward is 23 years old, but has a bad record. He was shot five times in his last crime, the attempted burglary of the residence of Dr. C. F.

Frederick on College avenue, Berkeley. Deputy Sheriff Dan Ferguson took Ward to Folsom with the latter's arms strapped to his sides. Marriages, Birtbs, Deatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued: GROVE-CROUCH-William W.

Grove, 83, Bolse, Idaho, and Agnes C. Crouch, 21, Mill Valley. HALEY-JOHNSON-William M. Haley, 21, Berkeley, and Grace J. Johnson, 28, Oakland.

OVLEN-JOHNSON-B. A. Ovlen, 82, and Anna B. Johnson, 27, both of Oakland. PIERSON-GILLESPIE-Harold Harold H.

Pierson, 21, San Pablo, and Jennie Gillespie, 25, Acampo. PILKEY-HENDERSON-Archie M. Pilkey, 21, and Edna M. Henderson, 18, both of Oakland. ZULIM Zullm, 24, and Katica Baricovich, 22, both of Oakland.

BIRTHS. BUTLER- -In this city, June 22, 1912, to the wife of Harry Butler, daughter. HURLEY--In this cyti, June 11, 1912, to the wife of Timothy T. Hurley, a daughter. LUHR -In this city, July 18, 1912, to the wife of Edwin J.

Lubr, a 800. LYNCH--In this. city, July 6. 1912, to the wife of Merwyn Wiiliam, Lynch, a daughter. BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT.

The following death certificates have been filed at the Health Office: Name. Wilson, Fred Acute nephritis Leaby, Inquest pending Enos (child) Stillborn Mendonca, Broncho pneumonia Morrison, Mary Mitral regurgitation Regensburger, Lobar pneumonia DEATHS CARROLL--In Piedmont, July. 14, 1912, George husband of Amanda Carroll and father of Mrs. W. E.

Nicholson And Mrs. F. N. Elliot, A native of Massachusetts, aged 70 years and 3 months. A member of Leland Stanford Division, No.

283. B. of L. Live Oak Lodge, No. 61, F.

A. and Harbor Lodge, No. 253, I. 0. 0.

F. Friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the parlors of James Taylor Company, northeast corner of Fifteenth and Jefferson streets, Oakland, tomorrow (Tuesday), July 16, at 11 o'clock, under the auspices of Leland Stanford Division, No. 283, B. of La E. Concluding services private.

LORENZ--In Alameda, July 18, 1912, Eugene James, beloved son of Emma J. and the late William F. Lorenz and brother of Frederick William Lorenz, a native of Oakland, aged 19 years. MILLER this city, July 14, 1912, 'Mary A. Miller, mother of Mrs.

Lenore Garner, a native of Aleria, Oblo, aged 76 years 9 months wand 13 days. Friends are respectfully thrited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the parlors of James Taylor Company, northeast corner of Fifteenta and Jefferson streets, Oakland, tomorrow (Tuesday), July 16, at 1:80 o'clock. PAGE -In Alameda, July 14, 1912, Henry David, beloved husband of Georgiana Page, native of Michigan, aged 64 years. WILSON-In Fruitvale, July 14, 1912, Fred R. beloved husband.

of Marie J. Wilson, loving son of John Wilson and brother of Ben Wilson, native of England, aged 81 rears, CALIFORNIA (ELECTRIC) CREMATORIUM Piedmont Avenue at Entrance 'Mountain View Cemetery Phone Piedmont 124 Make Arrangements Through Your Undertaker' LAWRENCE F. MOORE, Supt. OAKLAND TRIBUNE'S FINANCIAL PAGE JULY 15, 1912. 13 ARIZONA DELAYS GENERAL ELECTION Present State.

Administration to Hold Over Until 1914. PHOENIX, July will be no general state election in this state in November as provided in an act of the recent state legislature. Instead, the present state administration, headed by Governor George W. P. Hunt, will hold over until 1914, according to a decision rendered by state supreme court today, in granting an injunction to State Senator Davis to restrain Secretary of State Osborne from Issuing notices of pre-election I primaries.

Under the decision of the supreme court only presidential electors will be voted for in November and the Kinney act to exclude persons unable to speak English from mining or other hazardous occupations 'and the qualification of woman suf-! frage will be delayed two years. This is because these two measures, which were to be placed on the ballot by initiative petitions, must await a "general state election" in order to comply with the provisions of the constitution. The decision deferring the state. election two years, in spite of the action of the legislature, set forth that the constitution placed limitations upon the legislative law- making body and that when the constitution was framed it was that would be granted in 1911. Statehood delayed until 1913.

The statehood, court held, therefore, that the "even numbered year" provision of the constitution. with reference to state meant the first succeeding even numbered year after statehood had been granted, or 1914. SCALP CUT: EAR NEARLY TORI OFF Workman's Skull May be Fractured as Result of Fall. SAN FRANCISCO, July McNamee of 518 Mountrie street. ploye of the Daniel's Construction Company, was seriously and perhaps fatally injured in an accident which almost tore off his left ear and a portion of his scalp, at 10 o'clock, this morning.

McNamee was walking across a plank over an excavation, at Second and Minna streets, when the board broke, dropping him a considerable distance and causing him to knock against the machinery. The surgeons worked over him for two hours at the Harbor hospital. It was with diffi-1 culty that his ear was fixed in place. may have a fractured skull. WILL GIVE READING FROM DICKENS' NOVEL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, July 15.

In a recital of Dickens' "Bleak Miss Edith Coburn Noyes of Boston will give a recital this evening at Hearst hall. It will be open to the public under the auspices of the summer session. Miss Noyes has made a considerable success with a school of expression in Boston. This one of a series of trips to this coast. She has obtained sole rights to the use of the "Bleak House" readings from Madame Janauschek.

HOTEL ARRIVALS The following arrivals are at local hotels: Key Route Inn -I. M. Walter, Washington. D. H.

Molloch, city; Fred Marcuse, city: C. E. Manson, city; Vergil Gregg, Capron, Nellie Conley, Fresno; Gertrude Hanson, Fresno; Mamie Hanson, Fresno; H. L. Cunningbam and wife.

Mill Valley; Amy L. Schoff, Clueinnati; Miss 8. Turner, New York; Miss A. Caryl, Chicago; A. C.

Whitman aud wife, Crescent, Gladys Reeves, San Francisco. Crellin Hotel-J. Morton, wife sops San Francisco; A. Muller and wife, Chicago: Miss Hazel Miller, Leo Adde and wife, Broadway Theater; Charles H. Porter, J.

B. Sebamp, Oakland; J. C. Austin. Los Banos; Hazel Clarke, Oakland; G.

C. Sidley, Stockton; E. J. Gorkin, Gridley; P. A.

Nelson, Oleum; Charles W. Kohl, Shasta Springs; W. H. Clareworthy and wife, Colorado Springs; G. D.

Wright, Suisun; H. A. Dyer, Butte City; P. M. ball and wife, Coalinga; Joseph W.

McMillan, L. C. Taylor, Modesto; Irving Maddonald, Tonopah; H. Griffith, Red Bluff: C. Hintre, Winehaven.

H. A. Dyer, mayor of Butte City, is at the Hotel Crellin. Dyer owns the electric light plant, hotel, and. in fact.

1s interested in every large, venture in Butte City. C. Porter, formerly a resident of Oakland and more recently in the oil fields, is back In Oakland and 1s res --ng at the Hotel Creliin. G. D.

Wright, roadmaster at Sulsun for, the Southern Pacific, who WAS formerly an official at the Oakland pier, 1s Th Oakland and at the Hotel Crellin. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO, July creamery, 27c. Eggs 23c; fancy ranch, 25c. Cheese -New, Americas, 15 CHICAGO, July, eries, dairies, Eggs-Receipts, 14.061 cases; steady at mark (cases included), firsts, 16c; ordinary firsts, Cheese- Steady; Daisies, 151 Twins, Young Americas, Long Horns, NEW YORK. July Easy; creamery extras, firsts, 26 state dairy, finest, 26c; good to prime, common to fair, Cheese -Irregular.

Eggs--Irregular; fresb gathered extras, 24c: Western gathered whites, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY A SIX-ROOM 2-story house and basem*nt, modern in every respect; lot 50x 100; lawns, fruit trees, vegetable garden, berries, one block to Key Route depot, half block to street cars. Deal with the owner, 961 44th st. A YOUNG GIRL; gerteral housework and plain cooking; two adults child; $20- $25; references. 1625 Ashby phone Berkeley 4459. AN active young man wanted, age about 16, to learn shoe business; refereners.

Apply at Savoy Shoe Store, Oakland. PRACTICAL NURSE with experience and references, wishes care of invalid confinement case, Address Mrs. B. or Shinn, 1744 13th East Oakland. EXPERIENCED wrappers wanted, over 18 years old.

Apply to Kahn Mr. Fraser. LOST-Gold elastic belt; buckle amethyst setting; reward. 726 11th; Oakland 4312. WANTED -Two young men, good talkJ.

R. Dreiser Idora Park. COOL WEATHER IS CAUSE OF DECLINE Wheat Takes Drop as Result of Faverable Harvesting Conditions. CHICAGO, July declined sharply today because of cool weather in the porthwest and favorable harvesting conditions in the southwest. Lower temperatures In the spring crop, belt were looked upon as tending to safeguard the grain from danger of rust.

Talk of Increased winter receipts acted as further help for the bears. The opening was 1e off to up. September started at a loss of and fell to The close was demoralized, with September net loss of General selling in small lots carried down corn. Support was poor. There were optimistic crop advances from Oklaboma.

September opened lower at 89 and dropped to The close was weak, with September net lower at Cash corn-No. 2, do white, do No. 8, do white. do yellow. 74 No.

4, do white, do vellow. 721 Oats eased off with other cereals. Buyers were not 80 numerous as during most of last week. September started to down at descending later to Provisions weakened as result of liquidatink sales. chiefly by holders of lard.

A fallIng off in quotations for hold was contributory influence. Early sales ranged from night's level to 1244c below, with tember options for pork, for lard and for ribs. The closing quotations were as follows: Wheat--July, September, December, Corn--July, September, December May, Oats- July, September, December, May, c. Pork- July, $18.10: October, Lard- July, September, October, December, $10.30. Ribs- July, September, October, Rye- No.

2. Barley--Cash. Timothy seed--Cash, Clover seed-Cash, CHICAGO, July Inter-Ocean says: "Having escaped serious damage from drought and receiving 8 good wetting down the spring wheat crop in the northwest has set to pass through the black rust period before it 1s made. Parts of the northwest have really much rain and should humid weather prevail black rust is feared. There is yet time for it to do a great deal of damage before the crop 1s matured.

The trade, however, is going on the theory that the crop will come out all right. Last week saw the market over liquidated in a technical sense; longs have sold out and the market became oversold and the bears imbued with the good prospects in northwest forgot all about the small crop of winter wheat in the central west, also of the fact that the wheat crop east of the Rockies is the smallest in proportion to the population in recent years. But they discovered that the slack in the market had been picked up, presumably by the same Interest that bas turned the trick many times in the last two years and a three-cent rally followed. Speculative business is largely professional and from now on the market is expected to be considerably influenced by hedging sales against purcheses of new wheat. These, with the character of the weather and crop reports in the spring wheat country will be the governing factors for the next six weeks.

"Bulls who have confidence and money are looking for better prices for cash and the near futures' of corn, between now and the middle of September, but It was noticeable that some of them who were buying September were selling the December and May in expectations of the spread widening. Hot forcing weather prevailed over the corn belt, with numerous showers, but in Kansas it was too hot and dry for the best crop developments. Stocks are decreasing end a ligbt movement from the country is expected for the next thirty days. "Cash sales of grain at Chicago Saturday were 70.000 bushels wheat. 135,000 bushels corn and 130,000 bushels 4 LIVERPOOL, July says: "Wheat-Lighter: world's shipments and frinness in Plata offers acted as a stimulus at the immediate opening, and values were to lower, but later the distant months suffered from realizing induced by the brilliant weather in France and the United Kingdom, with advices from Russia more favorable and these declined There is a quiet demand.

for forward shipment and the offers are pressed for sale. July was firmly held owing to the labor trouble at the docks. European crop prospects on the whole very satisfactory. At 1:80 p. m.

market irregular. July higher and distant months lower than Saturday. "Corn was irregular, with July bigher and later this month advanced owing to strike of dock men. September after opening lower further declined with undertone weak. Clearing weather In Argentine and continued heavy plate offers stimulated renewed speculative FRANCISCO GRAIN MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, July 15.

-Wheat--Steady? December, $1.55 asked; cash, Barley--Easy; December, May, cash. Corn--Steady; Western. states yellow, not LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET LIVERPOOL, July -Close: Wheat--July, 7s October, 7s 24d; December; 7s Weather, clear. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE J. C.

Wilson Stockbrokers. Morning Session, Monday, July 15. MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Bid. Asked.

Associated Oil Co 102 Cal Gas and Elec Gen CT Central Cal Traction Co 58. 1. 95 City Electric Co First Federal Trust Co 6s. .100 101 Los Angeles Gas and Elec Co 58... Los Angeles Gas Elec Corp 58...

99 Market-street Cable 100 Northern Power Co 58. Northern Cal Power Co Con 58.... 94 Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Oakland Traction Co 58. Oakland Water Co Gtd Oro Electric Corp 98 Pacific Light and Power Co Pacific Tel and Tel Co 59. Peoples Water Co San Joaquin Light and Power 58..

99 8 F. Oak Ry 2d Mtg 58. 97 F. Oak Con Ry 5s. 90 Branch Railway of Cal SP Co 1st refunding 95 Water Co Gen Mtg 48...

981 United Gas and Electric Co 55. United Railroads of 48... WATER STOCKS Spring Valley Water 63 GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS. Northern Cal Power Co Con. 50 Oro Elec Corp common.

18 Pacific Lighting Corp pfd. Do Common 81 BANK STOCKS American National Bank cof. California .201 Anglo National Bank. First National Bank 8 SUGAR STOCKS. Hawalian Coml and Sugar Hawaiian Sugar 45 Hutcuinson Sugar Plantation.

213 Onomea Sugar Co. Paauhau 24 OIL STOCKS. Associated Oil 44 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Alaska Packers' Cal Fruit Canners' 115 Philippine Tel and Tel 28 MORNING SALES. 1000 Sacramento Electric 5000 Oro Electric Corp 66..

1000 Nortbern Cal Power 58... 10014 15000 Pacific and Power 59....... 8000 Pacifie Telephone 5s. 3000 Oakland Traction Co 58. 100 Alaska Packers' 5 Associated Oil 43 110 Hutchinson Sugar Plantation 50 Onomea Sugar 55 AFTERNOON SALES- JULY 15.

1000 Associated 011 Co 1000 Los Angeles Gas Elec Corp 58. ...100 5000 Pacific Tel Tel Co 5s. 5000 Do .100 10000 Peoples Water Co 1000 San Joaquin and Power 99 1000 Water CO Gen Mtg 4000 Do 98 13000 United Railroads of 4 2000 Do 5000 Oro Electric Co 0. 4000 First Federal Trust 5s. 1000 Great Western Power 250 Spring Valley Water 50 Do 623 25 Pacific Lighting Corp 75 40 Oro Electric pid.

5 Fireman's Fund .285 100 Hutchinson Sugar 10 Associated 011 120 Do 43 25 Alaska Packers' To Cal Fruit Canners', Association. CONSOLS REACH NEW LOW RECORD Rumors of Treasury Bill Issue of $50,000,000 Given -as LONDON, July reached new -low record of today. Apart from the general tendency of British financiers to discard home securities to. favor of foreign stocks, today's slump partly due to of treasury bill issue amounting to $50.000,000. connection with national telephone purchase and the congestion at the same time of the market for new issues.

No -fewer than eight prospectuses of new concerns this morning invited subscriptions aggregating nearly $15,000,000. NEW STOCK LIST The following quotations of prices of stocks in the New York Stock Exchange are from J. C. Wilson, member of the New York Stock Exchange, with offices in the Mills building, Montgomery and Bush streetg, San Francisco: Sales. Stocks- High.

Low. Bid. Ask. Am 61 19400 Amalg 814 800 Am Beet Sugar. 123 12 73 Dd pid 914 99 8300 Am Can 200 Do ptd 114 118 800 Am Car 57 57 Do 118 400 Am Cotton 52 52 Do pid.

Am Do pid. 24 26 Am Ice 254 26 300 Am Linseed Do 100 Am 414 Do pid 108 Am Smit Ref. 82 Do pid. 900 Am 100 Do pid. .121 121 121 122 Am Steel Fdry.

35 36 2000 Am Co. .145 145 Am Tob pid new 105 100 Am 26 29 100 Do pfd. 897 89 800 Anaconda 1800 107 107 100 Do pfd. 103 103 108 Bethlehem Steel. 35 Do pid.

87 88 300 Balt Ohio. 100 Da pfd. 87 90 700 4000 Canadian 265 2651 800 0 79 A 18 Do pfd. 18 1000 100 Do pid, 32 82 600 185 135 Do ptd. 180 190 7200 St 101 200 Do pid.

140 140 141 Central Leather. 100 Do pid 98 93 94 Central of 370 395 3300 Chino 30 59 2800 Am Tobacco ....2971 294 Do pid 106 109 800 Colorado 29 30 Colo 88 42 1100 Consolidated Gas144 200 Corn 15 Do pfd 80 83 Del 166 167 525 536 Denver Do pfd 35 35 100 Distill Securities 2200 Erie 84 100 Do 1st Do 2d 42 1200 General Electric.178¼ 177 177 177 200 Gt Northern Ore. 2300 Gt Northern ptd. 133 78 135 1000 Goldfield 33 100 Illinois 1200 Interboro- Metro 20 201 1200 Do pfd 58 300 Internatt 118 Do pfd 114 115 200 Internatl 100 Do pfd 57 58 57 28 Do pfd 80 Iowa '10 18 Do pfd 21 26 100 Do pfd 4800 Lehihg 200 Louisel Nash. 159 159 200 Mackay 90 01 Do pfd 900 Miami 100 Snuff 167 161 166 169 Do pid 106 111 1000 St.P M.

.147 100 Do pid 155 157 1000 26 100 Do pfd 59 59 59 60 200 Missouri 900 Isl Co 48 600 Sears Roebuck. 190 190 Sloss Shef I Co 55 Do ptd. 100 108 'BOND LIST. Bid. Ask.I Bid.

Ask. Atch gn 46. 98 58. 61 Do cv 48.107 108 Wbah db 48. 89 69 RT 0 West 58 83 48..

981 Jap 4s. 85 86 Col Ind 58. 80 81 Do 1 US Rity 5s. 80 90 Do 2 91 col 48. 69 IS 48..

ref 48. 58 84 Do col 48. 91 1st 46.100 8 reg 101 Do cv 48.101 101 Do Stl reg 3...102 Und Ry 48. 65 68 Do Coup. .102 58 95 reg Am Tob 48.

Do Do Panama 101 Chinese 94 95 Do 38 SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE OIL Morning Session, Monday, July 15. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Bid. Bid. Ast.

Claremont 65 Republie 80 De 75 SF McK Empire 1.15 Sauer Dough. 1.15 Maricopa Ntl, 80 95 Monte Ortsto 1.80 SW 20 New Pa Ptl. 51 60 Coast pfd. 50.00 Paraffine 50 Oil Co. 2.00 Premier 45 SALES.

250 Coalinga Ontri 500 Maricopa 18 LOS ANGELES OIL EXCHANGE. (Furnished by B. F. Hutton Co.) CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Bid.

Bid. Ask. Amalg 011...78.50 76.00| Mex Pt pid.09.25 101.00 Am 30 Do com. ..68.00 69.25 Am Pt com. 49.25 50.50| New Pa 51 Assoc 011....48.62 43.87|0linda 40 41 Brookshire 65 Rice 1.25 1.80 Cal Midway.

22 24 Traders 72.00 80.00 Centrat 1.35 1.50| Unton .08.37 98.62 Columbia 1.00 1.20 Do Prv4t. .97.75 98.87 Fullerton 2.00 5.00 Natl Padifle. 03 Jade 13 United COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, July Coffee- No. Rio, futures, quiet; September, 18.21€; March. 18.540.

COTTON MARKET NEW YORK, July 15-Cotton-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 12.400; do gulf, 12.65c. Sales, 500 bales. WOOL MARKET ST. LOUIS, July -Steady; Territory and Western mediums, tine med1ams, fine, 0 SUGAR MARKET NEW YORK, July grades of refined sugar were advanced 10 cents per 100 pounds today. Sugar--Raw, steady; Muscovado, .89 test, centritugal, .06 test, 8.86c; molasses; .89 tent, 8.11e: refined, firm.

PRINTING: The Best in Oakland TRIBUNE Job Department Printing BANK STATEMENT HELPS THE MARKET Offsets Unfavorable Condition. of Previous Week and Imparts Strength. NEW YORK, July Saturday's bank, statement, which completely corrected the unfavorable condition of the preceding week, was helpful in Imparting a strong tone to, stocks during today's early session. Most of the leaders were. up a point or more with, what looked like accumulative buying In certain Union Pacific and Norfolk and Western, the latter approaching its recent high record.

Steel, General Electric, Westinghouse, gamated Copper and Consolidated all shared in the advance, while St. Paul, after early weakness, made more than full recovery. Trading slackened In- a marked manner before noon. During midday the market became duller, with 10 loss of strength. Brooklyn Transit rose a point and gains of 1 to 2 points were recorded by Illinois Central, Western Maryland and Guggenheim Exploration.

The market closed strong. Best prices were made in the last hour on minimum of operations. American Tobacco was the feature. with less material gains in Snuff, Canadian Paeltie, Colorado Fuel and Mexican Petroleum. Bonds were easy.

MONEY AND EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. July Prime mercantile paper, per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual bustness in bankers' bills at $4.85 for 60-day bills and at $4.8740 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.82.

Bar silver, 60c. Mexican dollars, 48c. Bonds--Railroad. and government steady. MINING STOCKS Furnished by Zadig Stock Brokers, 324 Bush S.

F. Morning Session, Monday, July 15. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. C'OMSTOCKS. BId.

Ask.I 1.00 Belcher Bid. 55 Ask. 56 Ophir Mexican 2.72½ Confidence 56 Gould Curry 01 02 Sierra Nevada. 24 25 Best 07 Utah 05 Con 39 40 Bullion 08 Savage Exchequer 05 Chollar Seg r. Potosi 03 Union 68 85 Hale 24 Julla 08 Crown 18 Yellow Jacket.

69 Occidental 50 Con 05 Andes 05 Alpha 10 TONOPAH. Montana .2.50 West ....1.65 MacNamara 23 Rescue, 18 15 Midway 50 Jim 60 Belmont 9.50| Mispah North 18 GOLDFIELD. Con. .3.95 Diammid B. 08 Jumbo 37 Com Fraction.

151 Booth 08 09 Gold off Blue 06 Gold 02 Silver 11 Crackerjack 02 Blue 02 Frances Mhwki 02 0 10 Yellow Lone 04 Grandma 02 Oro 04 Merger 42 Atlanta 24 i2 Great 04 05 15 10. Florence 98 1.05 CALIFORNIA. Central Eureka 42 BULLFROG. Mayflwr 02 Tono 81 82 Gold $6 RAWHIDE. Coalition MANHATTAN.

Manh 01 Manh 05 Manh Big 4.... 40 Mustang Manh 05 White 15 OTHER DISTRICTS. Round 40 03 Nevada 1.95 Fairew Bldr. 03 Pitta Peak. 1.02½ SALES.

400 Best 08 200 Union 64 200 Con 40 100 Nevada Hills. 1.95 800 Crown 55 800 Mispah 300 Yellow Jacket. 69 1000 Tono 81 100 Belcher 50 2000 Do 82 200 Sierra Nevada. 24 1000 Cash Boy. 00 200 Do Mach 14 300 Seg 100 Cent 42 SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS NEW.

commission YORK, orders July reduction averaging about commerce 15 per cent in express rates throughout the try, drastic reforms in regulations and changes in methods of operation also. prescribed. Arbitration commission to settle wage dispute between engineers and eastern railroads meet today at Manhattan Beach to begin taking of testimony. Government will shortly fle, suit to reclaim for public domain $1,000,000,000 worth of oil lands in Southern California. Loom fixers vote to strike today in eleven cloth mile at New Bedford, mm thy with weavers.

Reports from 825 localities In Minnesota Dakotas indicate one of the largest crops of wheat ever raised. One rust report from Minnesota. Sixteen killed and large number injured on wreck on Chicago, Burlington and Quincy near Chicago. Board of estimate meets today to pass on subway contracts. Long wrangle expected over Panama, canal bill, which comes up in the Denver dispatch reports Burlington will increase capital stock re preliminary to absorption of Colorado Southern.

Governor Wilson outlines new methods for conducting Presidential campaign on business lines. American stocks in Londoa irregular. Twelve Industrials advanced 20 active railroads advanced .21. NEW YORK METAL MARKET NEW YORK, July -Copper- -Firm: standard, 16.75 July, 16.87¼ 16.87½ September, 16.87½ 17.12½e; electrolytic, lake, 8 casting, Tit-Easy; spot, 44.15@44.35c; July, 44.10@ 44.25c; August, 43.62½ Lead--Steady, Smelter--Firm, 7.20@7.40c. Antimony--Firm; Cookson's, 8.25c.

Iron-Steady; No. 1 Northern, 15.50@10e; No. 2 Northern, 15.25 No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, 215.

16c. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, July 15. ---Cattle- Receipts, market steady to shade higher: beeves, $5.60 Texas steers, Western steers, stockers and feeders, 6.30; cows and heifers, $2.65 calves, Hogs -Receipts. market slow, 10c lower: light, 7.15 mixed, $7.05 7.62½: heavy, rough, $6.900 7.15: pigs, bulk of sales, $7.30 Sheep--Receipts, market, weak, erally 100 lower; native, $8.15 0 15; -Western. yearlings, $1.16 05.25.

Lambs Native, Western, Oakland Shipping News Recent arrivals and departures at Oakland harbor were as follows: ARRIVED. Hogan Lumber Company's Wharf. Stmr Newberg. 888 tons, from Coos Bay; 90 Mt ft pine, 175 lathe. De Fremery Wharf.

'Stmr Point Arena, 171 tops, from 300 ft lumber. E. K. Wood umber Wharf. Stmr Newberg, 333 tons, from Gray's Harbor; 120 ft lumber, Stmt Fifield, 440 tons, from Bandon; 450 ft lumber.

Sunset Lumber Company's Wharf. Stmr. Acme, 269 tons, Dureka; 100 ft lumber. Adams Whart. Crowley's Barge? No.

toom, from Sas Francisco; 125 to'ns Structural steel. Long Wharf. Stmr Fitteld, 440 tons, Jensen, from Bandon: 25 ft lumber. Stone Yukon, 941 tons, Griffitha, from tie; loading 1000 tons freight. Stmr Umatilla, 210 tons, Reilly, from Selby; loading 1500 tons freight.

Stmr Bee, 375 tons, Wayman, from Portland; 175 ft lumber. Stme Nehalem, 307 tons, Detjen, from San Pedro; loading 500 tons cement. Frazer's Barge, 100 tons, from San Franelsco; loading, lumber. SAILED. Long Wharf, Fifield, July 14.

Star Yukon, July 14. Hogan 'Lumber Company's Wharf. Stmr Doris, July 13. Stmr Newburg, 13. E.

K. Wood Lamber Wharf. Stmr Newburg, July 15. Sunset Lumber Company's Whart, Stmr Acme, Juis 15. Adame Wharf.

Crowler's Barge No. 52, July 14 J. C. WILSON YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE THE STOCK BOND EXCHANGE SAN FRANCISCO Main Office: Mills San cisco, Cal. Branch Offices: Los Ane San Diege, Coronado Beach, Portland.

Ore: Seattle, Van. MEMBERS Shipping News and Marine Intelligence SUN, MOON- AND TIDES. United States. Coast and Geodetic show time and height of. high -and low water -Tables at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco bay.

For Oakland (city waterfront) add 40 minutes, standard time. Monday, July 15. Sun ..4:57 Sun Moon .8:55 p. m. First 20, at 9:00 p.

th, July 15 to July 21. Date, Time.Ft. Time.F't. Time.Ft. W.

aW. LW. H.W. 15 ....5:57 1:20 4.5 5:35 8.0 11:37 6.2 16 ....6:42 2:00 4.8 6:40 2.7 H. W.

L. W. H. W. L.

W. 17 ....0:33 5.9 7:28 2:87 5.1 7:42 2.5 18 ...1:83 5.3 8:12 8:14 5.4 8:47 2.2 19 ....2:40 4.7 8:58 0.6 3:59 5.5 9:58 1.9 21 8.9 10:33 2.0 5:27 4:43 5.6 20 4:02 4.2 9:47 1.3 5.5 11:07 1.6 MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. Steamers due to arrive and depart today and for the next few days are as follows: ARRIVE. Steamers. From Due.

Yale -Les Angeles and San 16 Watson- -Seattle and Tacoma 16 Coronado- -San Pedro 16 F. 'A. Kilburn- 10 Santa Clara- -Los Angeles 16 Northland--Los Angeles Harvard--Los Angeles and San Diego July 17 Jason- via San Pedro Santa Barbara--Willapa Harbor Willamette-San Pedro J. B. Stetson- -Grays Harbor 18 Bear--Los Angeles 18 Rose and Astoria 18 Roanoke Los Angeles and San Diego 18 Pomo--Point Arena and Albion July Peru--Balboa, via Acapulco 18 Los Angeles and San July 19 City of Puebla- Puget Sound' ports and Victoria 19 City of "Topeka--Eureka, Arcata, July 19 Curacao- -San Pedro and way ports 19 Hanalet-Los Angeles July 19 Virginian Angeles Crus, direct via San Diego 10 Geo.

W. Elder- and Astoria. July 20 Buckman-Seattle and Tacoma 20 Damara-Buenos Agres, via Callao Harvard--Los Angeles and San Diego: July Brunswick--Fort Bragg 20 DEPART. Steamers. For Sall.

Sterra-Honolula Umatilla--Victoria 16 Eureka -Nome July 16 Northland--Astoria and Portland 16 City of Topeka-Eureka 16 Clara--Los 16 Nebraskan--New York and Earope, via Tehuantepec Harvard--Los Angeles and San Diego 17 Sea Brunswick--Fort Foam--Point Bragg Arena, Mendocino, etc.July 17 Coos Bay--Port San Luis and way ports. July 17 Santa Barbara--Los Angeles 17 Phoenix--Eureka, Arcata, ete. July 17 Willamette---Astoria and' Portland J. B. Stetson-Los Angeles 18 Queen--Los Angeles and San F.

A. Kilburn-Eureka, Arcata, July 18 Bear--Astoria and Portland 19 Roanoke--Astoria and Portland 10 -Seattle and Tacoma 19 A Los Angeles and San Diego 10 Enterprise--Hilo direct 20 Persia-Hongkong, via Honolulu and Yokohama 20 Rose City---Los Angeles July 20 Geo. W. Elder--Los Angeles, San Diego July 20 President-Puget Sound ports 20 Nome City Seattle, Tacoma and Everett.July City of Topeka--Eureka, Arcata, etc. 20 Hanaiel--Los, Angelas 20 Harvard- Los Angeles direct July The Largest, Newest Steamers PLYING THIS COAST Equipped with wireless and submarine sig.

nale. Large, elegant staterooms, wide promenades, sun deck reclining chairs, grand social hall, musle, spacious smoking room. Meals and service the, best on water. Thru Rail Tickets to Points East PORTLAND Los Angeles Bear BIG Rose City Salls 11 A. M.

walls 12 noon Ink 20 p. July 19 Chise First Class BEAN $8.85 and $10, $12, BEAVER' $7.35 $15 2d Class $5.35 2d Class ROSE CITY $6. Berth and Meals Included The San Francisco Portland 8. 8. Co.

A. OTTINGER, General Agent. Ticket Office, 722 opp. Call. Ph.

Satter 2344: 8 East opp. Ferry bldg. Phone Sutter 2482. Berkeley Office, 2105 Shattuck Phone Berkeley 831. VICTORIA SEATTLE OR $15 Berth and Meals Included First Class The above fare applies on the steamer sailing 2 p.

m. Tuesday. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Ticket Office, 1226 Broadway Telephone Oakland 5680 LEGAL. NOTICES County Board of Equalization NOTICE TAXPAYERS OF ALAMEDA TOO COUNTY.

CALIFORNIA. Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County, Callfornia. Public notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll of the fiscal year 1912-13 of Alameda County, California, has been completed and delivered to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County: that the same will be open for inspection at the said Clerk's office in the annex to the Hall of Records in the City of Oakland from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P.

M. every day, except Sundays and urday afternoons. Notice is also given that the Board of Supervisors of said County sat as a Board of Equalization on Monday, July 1, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and Journed until Monday, July 15, 1912, at 11 o'clock A.

at which time said Board met and alljourned until Thursday, July 18, 1919, at 11 o'clock M. of said day, from and after which time they will continue in session from time to time until the business of equalization is disposed of, and said Board will not alt later than Saturday, July 27, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon. Applications for reduction or correction of assessments must be made in writing. duly verifted, by the 'owner, or a duly: authorized agent. Blanks for applications for reduction.

or Increase of assessments may be obtained at said Clerk's office. By order of the Board of Supervisors, sitting and acting as a Board of Equalisation of Alameda County, California, Dated: July 16th, 1912. (SEAL) JOHN P. COOK, Clerk, Important Notice to Voters of Registration Office of John P. Cook, County Clerk, Oakland, Alameda County, California.

.03 .56 .30 .00 .30 ne De, one .79 ne ne' .86 .91 ne .67 .55 .61 110 .07 .21 .24 ne .43 .65 ne .00 ne .08 ne .26 .65 37 .24 ne 51 .39 08 52 49 ne ne ne 84 30 12 35 13 he Re 75 ne ne ne 49 21 ne 53 Te 1e 65 23 30 1e ne he 94 10 40 10 36 90 96 22 23 80 27 47 55 12 20 70 18 10 10 1e re 27 72 33 50 0 01 69 Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of section 1034 of the Political Code the State of Callfornia, all voters of Alameda County be must able apply for re-registration in order be held on vote September at the primary election to general election to be 3, held 1912, on and the 5th for day the of November, 1912. vision of to the fact that there is no Owing County law granting assistance to the Clerk in registration of voters, for registration important that voters should apply -pedite at once, in order to work, day January began on the fret Such all and will be in progress at purpose until, enabling August voters 3d. to 1915, quality for the for tion primary election, after which the October 5th. again 1912, open for and the continue until abling voters qualify for purpose the of enelection to be to held, November 5th, general The attention 1912. directed to the of voters decision 18 of the especially preme court, in recent which it is held that sU- all order voters to must have registered tificate of Join in signing of any certhis year in candidates nomination public in office behalf be of voted any at September 3d.

primary 1912. election, to be held lowing provisions 1s further directed to the tole Attention the State of of the Political Code of tation: California, relating to regisbe entered 1C97. No person's name must Section 1. Upon' by the Clerk unless: certifled the production and fling parlor Court copy directing Judgment of the Sue of If naturalized citizen, such entry be made. duction of his certificate of naturalization, prodays which certificate prior to the must succeeding be issued election, ninety or his upon his affidavit that it possession, which lost or out of the of his nativity, affidavit and the must time state place of his naturalization, and his affidavit he together with, United States for five has resided in in this the State for next years, and time of application, and that he preceding would the 'be an elector county at of the county, or city and provided, the next it succeeding election: shail however, such naturalized citas a qualified have elector been previously registered ties or cities and in counties any of of this the coun- State, registration, shall produce certificate of such and by law to issued issue by such the party authorshall recite the time certificate, which uralization of and place of natshall be prima facie evidence of certificate such elector, such uralization.

In the event that such his nat- natthat uralized he was citizen shall state in his affidavit city and county in naturalized which in the county or or he seeks to regviously registered event within that the he was preceding preeight county in years which within the countv or city and his certificate of naturalization to register, has and he seeks been produce revoked, his he shall not be required to not nor tificate to make such affidavit certificate of naturalisation, in of lost certhat in leu thereof, provided, however, where the any county of or elty registration and county have been other destroyed by Are or conflagration, or provision public calamity, the above stated in the preceding previous eight years registration withas to county or city and county. apply shall in only such such number of years past as for exist a record of previous there shall not to exceed In registration, and years. any event said eight 3. If born in affidavit that a he foreign became country, citizen upon of the his tion United of States by virtue of the naturallanin the his United father while he was residing of States. and under the age would twenty be one years, and that he is or an elector of the county at the next ensuing election.

4. In all other cases, upon the of the party that he is or will be an elector atndavit of tion. the county at the next succeeding elecSuch affidavit must be made before the county clerk or officer charged with If the registration of voters, or their deputy. in any which he elector claims is absent from the county residence, he may appear before any judge or clerk of any court of record. or notary public, or if In foreign country, before any minister.

consul, or vice- of the United States, and make and subscribe an affidavit as to his residence, specifying in what ward or precinct he claims residence: that he will necessarily and unavoidably absent from said county, allowed or by elty law for and general county, on days registration of electors, and setting forth In such affidavit each and all the matters required by one thousand and ninety-six of the Political Code of the State of California, and forward such afndavit, duly authenticated as above, by malt. enclosed in an envelope, addressed to the county clerk of any county, or the registrar of voters in any and county. Upon receipt of such affidavit by such clerk or" registrar of voters within the time allowed by law tor registration. It shall entitle the name of such elector to be entered by the clerk in the proper register in such precinct. 6.

In every case the affidavit of the party must show all the facts required to be stated in the entry on the register. except the date of the entry. Further notice is hereby given that af4 (davita of registration must be sworn to before the County Clerk or his deputies and that they cannot, owing to the provisions of tie registration law, be sworn before any other officer. The office of the County Clerk will be open for registration until further notice from 9 m. until 5 o'clock m.

of each day, except Saturdays, on which day the office will close at 12 o'clock noon. Dated: March 11, 1912. JOHN P. COOK. (SEAL) County Clerk.

74 Notice to Taxpayers Cate Office of the Assessor of Alameda County, Oakland. March 11, 1912. All persons, firms, companies, corporations and associations are required to deliver at the Assessor's office, at the Court House, City of Oakland, County of meda, on or before April 1, 191, ment under oath of all the property, both real and personal, owned or claimed by him. her or them, or in their possession or held in trust for others, at 12 o'clock meridian on the First Monday of March. 1912 in accordance with Section 3615, Political Code.

Every person who refuses or neglecta to furnish the satement as provided for In section 3629, Political Code, becomes liable to a fine of one hundred dollars and the value fixed by the Assessor on their property must not be reduced by the Board of Equalization. All persons owning real estate that has been assessed in the wrong name or ere rors have appeared on their tax bills, are requested to call at the Assessor's office or notify' the Assessor by mail on or betore April 1. 1912, so that the proper corn rections may be made on the assessment roll for the year: 1912, ASSESSMENT blanks may be obtained at the Assessor's office, room one, Court House, or frown any Deputy Assessor, C. F. HORNER, Assessor.

NOTICE OF SALE. this day, have purchased the saloon at 901 Franklin street, Oakland, from L. Parket. All parties having any claims against the above will present the same within 5 days from date. Furthermore, I will be responsible for no debts or obligations of former owner.

July 13, 1912. EUGENE CHANTELOUP. NOTICE OF NON-RESPONSIBILITY. I have this day sold The Viking Res taurant, owned by A. E.

Fusing, located at 1447 Broadway, Oakland. All bills against same must be presented at this office within Ave days from date. CHAS. FARNSWORTH, 208-9 First National Bank Oakland, Cal..

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.