Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri (2024)

Page 4 Sot, Sept. 16, 1961 ana United Study Group Plans Seminar to Be Held in Hannibal Plans are betas made by the Christian United Study Group for an all day seminar to be held at Hannibal-LaGrange College, Hannibal, Saturday, Oct. 7, with registration from 8 to 8:30. Fred Helbriag, chairman, states the day long course will be for the purpose of presenting to the public the true nature of communism, how Communists are attempting to conquer the world and what must be done (o prevent a communistic world. The chairman says there will be 3 number of outstanding speakers there for the seminar including Dane Smith of St.

Louis, chairman of the Four Freedoms Study Group of that city; Bill Sfrube, executive secretary of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Houston, and John Noble, an American citizen who was a pri soner of the Russians for nine years. The fee is $2. for two sessions and half price for students and clergymen. AH Members Present Friendly Circle Ali members were present when the Friendly Circle Club me! Monay night in (lie hom of Mrs. Erwin Whiles.

Mrs. Ed Forbis, pros- dent, conducted the business session. Games were played with prizes to Mrs. James II. Brown, ire.

Leonard Arnett, Mrs. J. R. and Mre. Otis Winn.

Refreshments served by he hostess, assisted by Mrs. Mac McGinnis. The next meeting will be Oct. 9 the home of Mrs. Andrews, 614 Jnioa avenue.

Bel Canto Club Elects Connie Boots, Others officers of the Bel Canto Club of St. Pius Junior High School were elected recently as follows: President, Miss Connie Boots; vice-president, Miss Phyllis Sander; secretary, Hiss Ther esa Schumann; treasurer, Miss Martha Powers; reporter, Miss Jane Kehoe; and sponsor, Sister M. Julia. The first meeting Trill be held it 2:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon Sepi. 21.

Members of the ninth grade wiH present a variety program and refreshments will be served. Curl-is Kendrick Wins Two-Day Ozark Vacation Curtis Kendrick of Clifton Hill, wa the recent i of a two day vacation, Sept. 7 and 8, Arrowhead Lodge, at the Lake the Ozarks for outstanding sales PAG Seeds, awarded him by PAG Inc. of CarroUton. In winmg this trip, Jlr.

Kend rick reached his August sale quota, which placed him in the top 30 per cent of company dea! ers. Beauceant Memorial Held for Mrs. Davis The charter was for Mrs. Jefferson H. Davis at the first fall meeting Thursday afternoon of (he Beauceant in the Masonic Temple.

Mrs. Kenneth C. Shumate, worthy president, was in charge. A communication was read from Mrs. Douglas Crotty Garden City, supreme worthy president, telling of plans for the supreme session to be held the week of Sept.

25 in San Diego. The attendance gift was awarded to Mrs. M. E. Durham.

The next meeting will be Sept. 28. Calendar Dritzka Daughters of Coates Street Presbyterian Church will meet at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the home of the Misses Beuiah and Berenice Beggs, 900 West Reed street. Southeast Park PTA will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night in the school. A baby sitter will be provided.

GIA will resume ils fall meetings at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon in Engineers Hail. South Park PTA will have a merry mothers mixer at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the school. All mothers are urged to attend. 60 Attend WSCS Sub-District Meet In Moberly Church Sixty members and visitors were ft-ent for the Moberiy Sub-Dis- rict meeting of the WSCS in West Park Methodist Church Thursday. Mrs.

A. S. Harrington of Palmyra conducted a seminar. Those participating in Uie pro- ram were Mrs. Charles Milliter, Huntsville, Mrs.

F. I. Norfolk, Moberly, Mrs. Frank Diekson, Paris, Mrs. B.

E. Powers, Huntsville, and Mrs. William Latta, Thompson, Special music was presented by Mrs. Harold Mayfield of Moberly, accompanied by Roger Kisor of the New Hope Methodist Church, near Renick. A carry-in luncheon was served at the noon hour.

The next meeting will be Dec. 14 at Trinity Methodist Church. Mrs. Bolin Named New'President of King's Daughters The Mary H. Smith Circle of The King's Daughters and Sons met Thursday afternoon in the home of Ui president, MTS.

C. K. Swan, and elcted officers for the coming year. Seven members and one guest, Mrs. W.

W. Brothers, wer pree- enl. The state Silver Cross chairman, Mrs. Jim Kay Thovnburg, reported on the state convention to be held Oct. 25, 26 and 27 in Kansas City.

New officers are: President, Mrs. Kenneth Boltn; vice-president, Mrs. Robert Eldridge; recording secretary, Mrs. Raymond Stanton; treasurer, Mrs. R.

L. Miller; and corresponding secretary, Mro. W. R. Bradley.

The devotional, "What Is given to Ms. EJdridge and (he program, "How to Heip Someone in was presented by Mrs. Bolin. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Eldridge.

Circle Has Meeting Nine members present when Circle 1 of the WSCS of Trinity Methodist Church met yesterday afternoon in the home of the chairman, Mrs. Minerva Jennings. Mrs. Herman LehwaJd was a visitor. Mrs.

J. T. Gunn conducted (he program, "The which was followed by a general discussion. During the business session, program leaders, hostesses and visitation teams for the year were nmed. Mrs, Paul A.

a was named spiritual life secretary. Trinity Circle Meets Circle 3 of the WSCS of Trinity Methodist Church met yesterday afternoon in the home of Mrs. John Arnold. Mrs. Ray Burton, chairman, conducted the business session.

Mrs. George Erwin gave the program, "You Are Not assisted by Mrs. Harry lleuicrt who talked on "Golden Eleven members were present. Esther Circle Meets Fourteen members were present when the Esther Circle of Coates Street Presbyterian yesterday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Will Sandford.

Mrs. Fennel gave the opening prayer and Mrs. John Stie- die conducted the Bible Study. The lesson, taken from the book, "One World, One a given by Mrs. J.

E. Bach. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be Oct. 20 in the home of Mrs.

L. R. Mock. Huntsville Rebekahs Begin Fall Meetings Twenty members were present when the Huntsville Rebekafls met Tuesday night for the first meet- of the fall season. A covered dish supper was served with fami- ies of members as guests.

Mrs. W. T. Jackson, acting noble grand, conducted the business session. It was reported that 40 cards and visits had sent to remember shut-ins and plans were made to have a silent auction at the next meeting, Sept.

26. The apron project wa 5 reported on and the storm windows were installed during the summer recess. The district meeting will be Oct. 28 in Salisbury. at Circle Meeting Eleven members were present when Circle 6 of the WSCS of Trinity Methodist Church met yesterday afternoon in the home of Howard Icenhower.

Mrs. J. J. McGrath, chairman conducted the business session and Mrs. Johnllolbrook gave the devotional, "You Never Walk The next meeting will he in the home of Mrs.

Holbrook, 1104 Franklin street. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Fletcher Leader Twelve members were present when the Ruth Circle of Coates Street Presbyterian Church met yesterday aftecnoon with Mrs. Robert T.

Cuthill as hostess and Mrs. George Cumberland as co hostess. MTS. L. W.

Coleman, circle chairman, conducted the business session and announced the Kirk Presbyterial will be Sept. 25 in Brookfield. Mrs. F. D.

Fletcher presented the program, "Ecumenical Mean ing and Ecumenical Mrs. Mabel Bentley gave the Bible Study, "That They Might Be Refreshments were served dining the social hour. The next meeting will be Oct. 20 in the home of Mrs. N.

J. Cooksey. Mrs. Leo Jones Leads West Park WSG Lesson Six members of the Wcsleyan Service Guild of West Park Methodist Church and three guests, Mrs. -Mattie Walker, Mrs.

Rose Lewis and the Rev. John A. Bolen, attended a meeting held recently in the home of Mrs. Joseph Probsl. A report on the refurnishing of Ihe church nursery was made by Mrs.

Leo Jones. Mrs. Jones also led program, "The Spirit of the and lalked on (he symbols of the church. Mrs. Porobst served refrssh- ments.

Alpha Zeta Group Plans Fall Rushing And Pizza Party Miss Marian Peoples, special instructions teacher at North Park School, was a guest when the Alha Zeta Chapter of Beta Sigma held its first meeting of the 'all season Thursday night in the lome of Miss Agnes Stewart, 847 East Coates street. Mrs. Leon Creed was co-hostess. Program leaders were Mrs. Don Mberti who held a panel discussion on "Definition of Happiness" and Mrs.

Bill Bell who spoke on 'Self choosing as her topic, "Know Plans were made for fall rush- and a pizza party to be held Sept. 28 in the home of Mrs -Ron tfalley, 405 Harrison avenue. New pledges will introduced at that lime. Members present were Mrs. Al- oerti, Bell, Mrs.

Gary Collier, Mrs, Creed, Mrs. Jack Davidson, Mrs. FJchard Hackler, Mrs. Ron Harlan, Mrs. Margaret Grimshaw, Mrs.

Ron Halley, Mrs. Bob Headrick, Mrs. Bob Hopper, Mrs. Bob Kehoe, Mrs. Herb "Lawrence, Mrs.

Arthur McDonald, Mrs. Irma Nave, Miss Anna Mae Phifer, Mrs. Bud Prewitt, Mrs. Theodore Skinner, Miss Agnes Stewart and Mrs. Jim Bob Stuart.

Soft drinks and cookies were served during the social hour. Salisbury Evening Circle Of CWF Has Meeting SALISBURY The Missionary- Nature of the Church" wae the tessoo for She September meeting, of the cvning circle of the CWF it its recent meeting. The lesson was given by His. Marvin Case. Mrs.

Harris White gave the devotional "As We Learn to Mrs. Robert Rogers presided during the business session when Mrs. J. M. Fidier, service chairman, reported on lh project in wliich the group would participate during the year.

Mrs. Garner, hostess served refreshments during the social hour that followed the lesson. There were seven members the church pastor present. Clifton Hill PTA Has First Fall Meeting; Lists Officers CL1LFTON HILL The first fall meeting of the Clifton Hill PTA wa held Tuesday night with Mrs. Frank Brozovich, president, in charge.

She introduced the teachers and bus drivers. Mrs. Carl Patterson gave the devotional. Officers -this year are Mrs. Brozovich, president; Mrs.

Bill Jacoby, vice-president; Elvon Richardson, second vice-president; Mrs. Clifford Key, secretary; Mrs. Bob Nichols, treasurer; Mrs. Donald Kendrick, historian; Airs. Victor Jacoby, safety chairman; Mrs.

Leonard Boerger, health chairman; Mrs. Martin Cross, magazine chairman; Mrs. Ralph Potter, program chairman; Mrs. L. E.

Thompson membership chairman; Mrs. Robert Nichols, publicity; Mrs. Norvel hospitality; Mrs. Edward Sandeu, devotional; and Mrs. Bob Johnson and Mrs.

W. R. Harris, music chairmen. Room mothers are Mrs. Bill Morgan, one; Mrs.

Key, two; Mrs. a Shives three; and Mrs. Leonard Boerger, four. Plans were made to buy an in- cineraior and two first aid kits for the school. Mrs.

Earl Hauptman received the banner fo the largest parent attendance. Questions of parents concerning the children were answered by the a Refreshments were served. The regular meeting will be the second Tuesday of each month. Alland Group Meets Seventeen members present when the Rosemary Alland Group of the CWF of Central Christian Church met yesterday afternoon with Miss Eula Baker. Mrs.

Earl Tydings, president, conducted the business session and Mrs. J. J. Ogle gave the dc- votional, "Be Thou Our Mrs. Harvey Pearman led the program, "World Oulreach-Enler- prisc assisted by Mrs L.

G. Hardy, Mrs. J. W. Perry, Mrs.

Benjamin Jolly, Mrs. Robert Hulett and Mrs. William Harley. Mrs. Tydings announced plans for the district convention to be held Oct.

21 in Central Christian Church. Mrs. Jolly conducted the World Call quiz. The next meeting will be Oct. 20 in the home of Mrs.

Veta Valelly and Miss Josephine Patton. More of the Company We Keep! Sportswear for the country or casual city living big this year. And the biggest names in sportswear are shown on this page part of the proud company we keep. EVAN-PICONE Fashion Freedom On The School Scent And M086RLY On Our Balcony Guests From St. Louis HIGBEE Mr.

and Mrs. Glen Farmer, St. Louis, visiled Sunday with his brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ben T.

Allen. Mrs. Richard Taylor, Is Honored at Shower A pink and blue thower was held last night in the home of Mrs. H. K.

Voile, Route 2, Moberly, in honor of Mrs. Richard Taylor. Mrs. Voile and Mrs. i Bu-rkett were hostesses.

Mrs. Dovie Hall, grandmother of the honoree, opened the gifls as Mrs. Taylor and baby son are patients in Woodland Hospital. Attending were: Miss Marsha Brockman, Miss Marilyn Bench, Miss Donna Headdck, Mrs. Bill Kribbs and daughter, Judy Kitchen, Sue Shackelford, Kay Burkett, Mr.

and Mrs. Glen Downing and children, Glenna. and Kevin, Mrs. Max Stevenson and i Rhonda, Greg Lisa, Mrs. Ford Headricks, Mrs.

Dovie Hall, Mrs. Harold Voile and Mrs. Herman Stuck and children of Cairo, Mrs. William Gully and son, Joseph, Mrs. Rose i Mrs.

A. E. Bench, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brockman and children, Nina and Gail, Martha Headrick, Mr.

and Mrs. M. H. Kanalzar and children, Dale and Tubby, Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs.

Billy Spaid and daughter, Cheryl Ann, Mr. Mrs. Norval Headrick and Mr. Mrs. Hur dis Burkett.

Sending gifts were Mary Lee Burkett. Mrs. Ralph Kitchen and Mrs. Clarence N. Smith.

Mcs. Taylor is Ihe former Miss Oncta Headrick. Family Reunion Held In Centralia City Park A family reunion was held recently in the Centralia City park in honor of members whose birthdays occurred in September. Those were Me. and Mrs.

Maurice Cook and Clinton Mobley, Centralia, Mrs. Clarence Robinson and Mrs, Luther Ferguson, Mobcrly, and Mike Murphy, Troy. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. T.

Edgar Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Burton, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence CJay Robinson and family, all oi Moberly; Mr. and Mrs. C.

F. Palmer and a i of Hannibal; Mr. and Mrs. Junior Alcom and a i and Mrs. Mabel Alcom and family of Perry; Mr.

and Mrs. Archie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson and family of Columbia; Mr. and Mrs.

Clinton Mobley, Mrs. Arthur Clark ami children, Mr. and Howard Burton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Cook and family and Donald Isrig, all of Cenlralia: and Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Parks, Clark. Plans were made to have the 1S62 reunion the first Sunday in August at the Sturgeon City Park.

Lake Michigan is becoming shallower at a rate of Ihree Inches every 100 years due to the aceumula- of sediment on ilj bottom. Better Homes Club Elects Officers; Sees Slides of Trip CLIFTON HILL Mrs. John Cooper was hostcs Tuesday to the Better Homes Extension Club with nine members and one visitor, Mrs. Dan Cobb, present. Roll call was answered with Where we spent our vacation." Mrs.

Andrew Skar gave the devotional. Letters were read by Mrs. J. L. Stark, as well as an article on Civil Defense.

Mrs. Charles Baker, chairman of the nominating committee, announced the following officons: Mrs. Stark, president; Mrs. Skar, vice-president; Mrs. Baker, secretary; Mrs.

E. A. Eubank, treasurer; Mrs. Pay Mayo, reporter and game and song leader, Mrs. Baker, assisted by Mrs.

Robert Nichols, slides taken on a recent trip to California. They included the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stephens of formerly of Clifton, the largest elevator in Kansas, Ihe world's largest hand-dug well, 109 feel deep and made at a cost of $45,000, the Longhorn in New the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ix'stal Harris of Albuquerque, the Pointed Desert in Arizona, Hoover Dam, Fishing Pier, O.xnard, and the residence of Mr. aiul Mrs. Don Hockinsmith of Lancaster, as well as many other scenes. Refreshments were served. Circle Makes Plans Mrs.

C. H. Earsom was hostess when Ihe Shoemaker Group of the CWF of a Christian Church mot yesterday afternoon in the duirch parlor. Mrs. Aubrey Burton, president, conducted llie business session.

Plans were discussed for the district convention (o be held Feb. 22 in the church. Mrs. C. I).

Crews gave the devotional, Our and Mrs. Howard Myles led the program. "Doctors Versus The World Call quiz wai conducted by Crews. Refreshments were served. New Circle Member Mrs.

H. Burion become i circle (ivo of Trinity iVSCS and its secret sry of missionary education when the cirde met afternoon in the home of Mrs. Anna Armstrong with 13 members present. Mrs. H.

B. Guthrie presided. The circle will be hostja ot tea to be held in lome of Mrs. Arthur Armstrong, Jrtxmdnle. Mrs.

Kenneth Roiin vas leader of tjic dcvoUonnl, 'Power of Prayer." The next mcelinj; will he with r.f. Frank Goddiirrf. be the first in your circle of friends to wear it! i-V ftrl Hit brightest new star in oar fashion field, features campus confident with the of true style, with the quality that shoutt confidence. Inclulively our for your pleasure. Pendletoir Doughnut Skirt The greatest thing in years is this seames circle of pure virgin wool, And It's yours for a more than modest price of only $15.95.

Showing You The Company We Keep In Sportswear Mildred Leach Short, Thelma Burton and Donna Haynes are proud to show you these labels the finest in sportswear and to advise you, if you wish, in your selection. Visit Our Clearance Shop In It's New Location At 503 Reed.

Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.